Decoded: Sopwith (1984) by David L. Clark Source file: SWMISC.C Beginner friendly, line-by-line code walkthrough by MaiZure SWMISC.C is a wrapper for the assembly printing procedure in SWUTIL.ASM Original code archive: Original code with line numbers 1 COMMENT 2 COMMENT 3 BLANK 4 COMMENT 5 COMMENT 6 COMMENT 7 COMMENT 8 COMMENT 9 COMMENT 10 COMMENT 11 COMMENT 12 COMMENT 13 COMMENT 14 BLANK 15 COMMENT 16 BLANK 17 COMMENT 18 COMMENT 19 COMMENT 20 COMMENT 21 COMMENT 22 Include the main game header (sw.h) 23 BLANK 24 BLANK 25 BLANK 26 BLANK 27 Declare and define puts with 1 argument 28 Argument 1 is a pointer to a string (char array) 29 BLOCK START - puts, writes a string using assembly char printing 30 Declare a local pointer to a char string 31 BLANK 32 Point to the input string 33 While we still have characters to print... 34 Print each character to the screen 35 BLOCK END - puts 36 EOF˙