Decoded: Sopwith (1984) by David L. Clark Source file: SWDISP.C Beginner friendly, line-by-line code walkthrough by MaiZure SWDISP.C provides extended actions during drawing for individual object types. Typically this is used to trigger additional effects, like sound. Original code: Original code with line numbers 1 COMMENT 2 COMMENT 3 BLANK 4 COMMENT 5 COMMENT 6 COMMENT 7 COMMENT 8 COMMENT 9 COMMENT 10 COMMENT 11 COMMENT 12 COMMENT 13 COMMENT 14 BLANK 15 COMMENT 16 BLANK 17 COMMENT 18 COMMENT 19 COMMENT 20 COMMENT 21 COMMENT 22 COMMENT 23 COMMENT 24 COMMENT 25 COMMENT 26 Include the main game header (sw.h) 27 BLANK 28 BLANK 29 BLANK 30 Imports the world display list 31 Imports the object list 32 Imports the top object pointer 33 Imports the number of shot holes in the window 34 Imports the number of splattered birds on the window 35 Imports the splattered ox display flag 36 Imports the world splattered ox flag 37 Imports the graphic for a bullet hole 38 Imports the bird splat graphic 39 Imports the number of moves 40 BLANK 41 BLANK 42 BLANK 43 BLANK 44 BLANK 45 BLANK 46 BLANK DISPLAY SCREEN SPLATTERS 47 Declares and defines dispplyr with 1 argument 48 Argument 1 is the input object pointer (player plane) 49 BLOCK START - dispplyr, during player draw, draw popups and play sound 50 If the player's plane has a shot hole.. 51 Draw the shots on the screen 52 If the player's plane splatted a bird 53 Draw the splatted birds 54 Play the plane sound 55 BLOCK END - dispplyr 56 BLANK 57 BLANK 58 BLANK 59 BLANK 60 BLANK 61 BLANK PLAY BOMB SOUNDS DURING DRAW 62 Declare and defines dispbomb with one argument 63 Argument 1 is a pointer to the bomb 64 BLOCK START - dispbomb, playing a bomb sound during draw 65 Declare a local object pointer 66 BLANK 67 If the bomb is valid and is falling... 68 Set the sound with positive falling speed 69 BLOCK END - dispbomb 70 BLANK 71 BLANK 72 BLANK 73 BLANK 74 BLANK MISSILE AUXILLERY FUNCTION (NOP) 75 Declare and defines dispmiss with 1 argument 76 Argument 1 is a pointer to the missile 77 BLOCK START - dispmiss, not used 78 BLOCK END - dispmiss 79 BLANK 80 BLANK 81 BLANK 82 BLANK 83 BLANK FLARE AUXILLERY FUNCTION (NOP) 84 Declare and defines dispburst with 1 arugment 85 Argument 1 is a pointer to the flare 86 BLOCK START - dispburst, not used 87 BLOCK END - dispburst 88 BLANK 89 BLANK 90 BLANK 91 BLANK 92 BLANK PLAY EXPLOSION SOUNDS DURING DRAW 93 Declare and define dispexpl with 1 argument 94 Argument 1 is a pointer to the input object 95 BLOCK START - dispexpl, play the explosion sound 96 Declare a local pointer to an object 97 BLANK 98 If the explosion has occurred 99 Set the sound based on the number of explosions 100 BLOCK END - dispexpl 101 BLANK 102 BLANK 103 BLANK 104 BLANK 105 BLANK PLAY PLANE SOUNDS DURING COMPUTER PLANE DRAW 106 Declare and define dispcomp with 1 arugment 107 Argument 1 is a pointer to the input computer plane 108 BLOCK START - dispcomp, plays the plane sound 109 Play the plane sound (see line 151) 110 BLOCK END - dispcomp 111 BLANK 112 BLANK 113 BLANK 114 BLANK PLAY PLANE SOUNDS DURING MULTIPLAYER PLANE DRAW 115 Declare and define dispmult with 1 argument 116 Argument 1 is a pointer to the other player's plane 117 BLOCK START - dispmult, play the other player's plane sound 118 Play the plane sound 119 BLOCK END - dispmult 120 BLANK 121 BLANK 122 BLANK 123 BLANK PLAY SHOOTING SOUNDS DURING TARGET DRAW 124 Declares and defines disptarg with 1 argument 125 Argument 1 is a pointer to the target object 126 BLOCK START - disptarg, plays sounds whenever a target is drawn 127 If the target is firing... 128 Play the shooting sound 129 BLOCK END - disptarg 130 BLANK 131 BLANK 132 BLANK 133 BLANK BIRD FLOCK AUXILLERY FUNCTION (NOP) 134 Declares and defines dispflck with 1 argument 135 Argument 1 is a pointer to the flock of birds object 136 BLOCK START - dispflck, no action is performed 137 BLOCK END - dispflck 138 BLANK 139 BLANK 140 BLANK 141 BLANK BIRD AUXILLERY FUNCTION (NOP) 142 Declares and defines dispbird with 1 argument 143 Argument 1 is a pointer to the bird object 144 BLOCK START - dispbird, no action is performed 145 BLOCK END - dispbird 146 BLANK 147 BLANK 148 BLANK 149 BLANK 150 BLANK PLAY PLANE SOUNDS 151 Declares and defines plnsound with 1 argument 152 Argument 1 is a pointer to the plane object 153 BLOCK START - plnsound 154 Declare a local pointer to an object 155 BLANK 156 Point to the input object 157 If the plane is firing... 158 Play the plane sound. 159 Otherwise, the plane isn't firing so... 160 BLOCK START - switch on plane state 161 CASE plane is falling: 162 If the plane isn't moving downward (it must have hit something) 163 Play the sound for plane hitting 164 Otherwise, the plane is still falling.. 165 Play the falling sound 166 End case for plane falling 167 BLANK 168 CASE plan is flying 169 Play the flying sound effect 170 End case for flying 171 BLANK 172 CASE plane is stalled or.. 173 CASE plane is wounded or.. 174 CASE plane is wounded and stalled.. 175 Play the sound effect for plane hitting 176 End case for wounded 177 BLANK 178 CASE any other 179 End case for everyting else with no action 180 BLOCK END - switch on plane state 181 BLANK 182 BLOCK END - plnsound 183 BLANK 184 BLANK 185 BLANK 186 BLANK DRAW AND UPDATE WORLD MINIMAP 187 Declares and defines dispwobj with 1 argument 188 Argument 1 is a pointer to a minimap display object 189 BLOCK START - dispwobj, draws the object on the minimap 190 Declares a local pointer to the input object (any mini visible type) 191 Declares a local pointer to the minimap array indexed by objects 192 Declare local variables for x, y and plot value 193 BLANK 194 Point to the input object 195 Point to the minimap object array element indexed by the object 196 BLANK 197 If the object is actively plotting to the map 198 Plot it's XOR to the map (clear it) 199 BLANK 200 If the objcet has finished.. 201 Then it needs to draw nothing more 202 Otherwise, the object has been cleared, but is still more.. 203 Save the color byte (in the world map) by offsetting center by.. 204 Object's world x position... 205 Scaled in to the minimap 206 and by the object's y position... 207 offset by its x position.. 208 Scaled in to the minimap 209 With the object's color 210 BLANK 211 If black or white was plotted (then a drawing collision occurred) 212 Then increment the next xor cycle, skip it 213 Exit function, don't draw collisions 214 End if black or white 215 Commit the point to the world map 216 Don't set an XOR 217 BLOCK END - Calculate and draw to map 218 BLOCK END - dispwobj 219 BLANK 220 BLANK 221 Declare a static seed value 222 BLANK 223 Declare and define randsd with no arguments 224 BLOCK START - randsd, changes the random seed 225 Changes the random seed and if it has no meaningful value... 226 Reset the random seed to initial value 227 BLOCK END - randsd 228 BLANK 229 BLANK 230 BLANK DRAW BULLET HOLES ON SCREEN 231 Declare and define dispwindshot with no arguments 232 BLOCK START - dispwindshot, draws bullet holes on screen 233 Declare a local object 234 BLANK 235 Set the object to dummy - no physical world interaction 236 Object dimensions are 16x16 237 Object color/team is cyan 238 Set the object sprite to bullet hole 239 BLOCK START - Draw bullet hole loop 240 Change the random seed 241 Draw the bullet hole at randomseed modulus screen width... 242 and at random position y modulus screen height (offset within screen) 243 and with the referenced object 244 BLOCK END - Draw bullet hole loop 245 BLOCK END - randsd 246 BLANK 247 BLANK 248 BLANK DRAW SPLATTERED BIRD ON SCREEN 249 Declare and define dispsplaybird with no arguments 250 BLOCK START - dispsplatbird, draws bird splatters on screen 251 Declare a local object 252 BLANK 253 Set the object type to dummy - no world interaction 254 Set the object size to 32x32 255 Set the object color/team to magenta 256 Set the object graphic to bird splat 257 BLOCK START - Loop while drawing splattered birds 258 Change the random seed 259 Draw the object at x position based on seed modulus screen width 260 Draw the object at y position based on seed modulus screen height 261 Reference the object to draw 262 BLOCK END - Loop while drawing splattered birds 263 BLOCK END - dispsplatbird 264 BLANK 265 BLANK 266 BLANK 267 BLANK DRAW SPLATTERED OXEN ON SCREEN (ALL MAGENTA) 268 Declare and define dispoxsplat with no arguments 269 BLOCK START - dispoxsplat, draw the splattered oxen (magenta screen) 270 Declare a local object pointer 271 Declare a local iterator 272 BLANK 273 Starting from the base address of the screen segment, 0xB800 ... 274 Set all of the even raster lines to 0xAA, which is 4 magenta pixels 275 Starting from the odd line address of the screen segment, 0xC800 ... 276 Set all of the odd raster lines to 0xAA, which is 4 magenta pixels 277 Reset the trigger ox splatter flag 278 Set the world ox splattered flag 279 BLANK 280 Set the object pointer to the head of the object list 281 Loop through all game objects 282 Set object draw/delete flag to 0 (prevents redraw over ox splatter) 283 BLOCK EOF - dispoxsplat 284 EOF