Decoded: Rogue (1980) by Toy, Arnold, Wichman DOS version (1983) by Mel Sibony and Jon Lane Source file: SBRK.ASM Beginner friendly, line-by-line code walkthrough by MaiZure SBRK.ASM implements low level memory allocation in x86. SBRK syscall is the underlying mechanism for calls to malloc. Original code: Original code with line numbers 1 COMMENT (recommended viewing is with tab stop at 8 spaces) 2 COMMENT 3 Set the current segment to data with paragraph alignment 4 The 16-byte $MEMRY is the top of the heap (Aztec C compiler symbol) 5 Imports the heap+1 and stack pointer 6 Imports errno return 7 End of the data segment 8 Beginning of the code segment 9 Assume the usual suspects for the 16-bit memory model 10 COMMENT 11 COMMENT 12 COMMENT SBRK This procedure allocates new memory at the top of the heap. Note that the input to the procedure expects the input value to be the amount of memory requested in bytes. It is a two byte value stored relative to the stack pointer at call time. 13 Export the procedure 'sbrk' to any linked programs 14 Define sbrk_ within the same code segment 15 Move the stack pointer in to BX 16 Save the current destination index we're about to clobber 17 Move the amount of memory requested in to AX (recall that BX = SP) 18 Save the original break value in to DI (we'll return this later since it becomes the base of the new memory request) 19 Add the requested memory to the old break value. This becomes the absolute address of the next top of the heap. Result in AX 20 Push the result on to the stack 21 Call BRK using AX - BRK uses absolute addresses, not increments 22 Pop the top of the heap in to CX (not used, but restores stack state) 23 If there is an error condition in flags from brk, jump to end (line 25) 24 Move the old break value to AX to return as base pointer of new memory allocation 25 Label for clean up of sbrk. Can jump here on error 26 Restore the stored destination index 27 Clear flags that may have changed during memory allocation 28 Return to caller 29 COMMENT 30 COMMENT 31 COMMENT 32 COMMENT BRK Absolute address of memory after allocation. Called by SBRK and the new top of the heap should be at the top of the stack 33 Export the procedure 'brk' to any linked programs 34 Define the brk_ procedure to allocate new heap top at address at sp+2 35 Move the stack pointer to BX 36 Move the new desired heap top in to AX 37 Compare the new top of the heap with the sbot variable (stack+safety). 38 If overflow jump to line 47 (Stack overflow means cmp resulted in CF==1) 39 Recheck against the current stack pointer just in case 40 Jump to 47 if there is an issue 41 COMMENT 42 COMMENT 43 Move the new top of the heap in to the system break value 44 Clear out AX 45 Return AX=0 -- success 46 COMMENT 47 Label for stack overflow 48 Apparently this is the errno in DOS for stack overflow...doubt it 49 Return -1 failure to caller 50 Clear the flags 51 Return to caller 52 COMMENT 53 COMMENT 54 COMMENT 55 COMMENT 56 COMMENT 57 Label rsvstk for making a safety buffer after stack (Not used in Rogue) 58 Save the stack pointer in to BX 59 Subtrack the input argument (safety buffer size?) from stack pointer 60 Export this new value to the system variable for the stack bottom 61 Return to caller 62 End of the sbrk procedure 63 End of the code segment 64 End of assembly file 65 EOF˙