Decoded: Rogue (1980) by Toy, Arnold, Wichman DOS version (1983) by Mel Sibony and Jon Lane Source file: SAVE.C Beginner friendly, line-by-line code walkthrough by MaiZure SAVE.C provides functions to save and restore the game Original code: Original code with line numbers 1 COMMENT 2 COMMENT 3 COMMENT 4 COMMENT 5 COMMENT 6 BLANK 7 COMMENT 8 COMMENT 9 COMMENT 10 COMMENT 11 COMMENT 12 COMMENT 13 BLANK 14 Includes the game header 15 Includes the console management header 16 BLANK 17 COMMENT 18 COMMENT 19 COMMENT 20 Imports pointer to the saved game window 21 Imports errno for return values 22 Imports the bottom of user memory 23 Imports the top of user memory 24 Imports the screen retrace checking state 25 Imports the screen color mode 26 BLANK 27 Defines a macro for the id string length 28 Defines a string to id the save 29 BLANK 30 Defines a macro for printf to printw (for the ONE case of printf :S) 31 COMMENT 32 COMMENT 33 COMMENT 34 COMMENT 35 COMMENT 36 Defines the sector size...which is unused 37 BLANK 38 COMMENT 39 COMMENT 40 COMMENT 41 COMMENT SAVE THE GAME 42 Defines save_game with no arguments 43 BLOCK START - save_game, saves the game 44 Check if this is NOT the demo version. Can't save game in the demo 45 Declare a return value 46 Declare a buffer for the save game name 47 BLANK 48 Clear the output message buffer 49 Set message buffer position to 0 50 If we're in terse mode 51 Print a short message asking for a save game name 52 Otherwise we're in long mode 53 Print a longer message... 54 Including the default save game name 55 The return code is the player's input for game name 56 If no name was entered 57 Use the default name 58 Output a blank message 59 And set message buffer position to zero 60 If the player didn't hit escape (want's to save) 61 BLOCK START - Save the game 62 Perform save of data segment and if the return value is failure... 63 BLOCK START - Failed to save 64 If there was no file to delete... 65 Output a message suggesting that the drive is out of space 66 In any case, output failure message 67 Clear save flag 68 BLOCK END - Failed to save 69 Otherwise success. If there is some value for the return code 70 End process with successful save message 71 BLOCK END - Save the game 72 Otherwise this is the demo 73 BLOCK END - save_game 74 End check for demo 75 COMMENT 76 COMMENT 77 COMMENT 78 COMMENT 79 COMMENT 80 COMMENT 81 COMMENT 82 COMMENT SAVE DATA SEGMENT 83 Defines save_ds with one argument 84 Argument 1 is the name of the save game 85 BLOCK START - save_ds, saves the data segment containing game data 86 Declare an integer file descriptor 87 Declare a character for user input 88 BLANK 89 Attempt to open the input file name and if it exists... 90 BLOCK START - Overwrite save game 91 Close the file 92 Send a query for permission to overwrite the save game 93 Get user answer 94 Clear message buffer 95 If the user didn't answer yes 96 Return failure 97 BLOCK END - Overwrite save game 98 BLANK 99 Attempt to create a file from data at 0ffset 666. If this fails... 100 BLOCK START - Cannot create file 101 Send failure message 102 Return failure 103 BLOCK END - Cannot create file 104 Set save flag to true 105 Message buffer position to zero 106 BLANK 107 Errno to 1 108 If we cannot write the save header and get the correct size value... 109 Or if the user segment size writes don't match... 110 Or if the heap doesn't match... 111 Jump to error on line 120 112 COMMENT 113 COMMENT 114 COMMENT 115 Save the current screen state 116 Write the screen data to the save file and check size. If it matches... 117 Errno is good to go 118 Restore the screen 119 BLANK 120 Label for error and normal exit 121 Close the file 122 Switch on errno 123 BLOCK START - Switch on errno 124 If errno is any value other than 0 125 Send message about failure 126 Return failure to save 127 If errno is ok 128 Move to the bottom left 129 Clear the line 130 Move back one line (presumably to exit to prompt at the bottom) 131 Return true 132 BLOCK END - Switch on errno 133 BLOCK END - save_ds 134 End check for demo 135 COMMENT 136 COMMENT 137 COMMENT 138 COMMENT 139 COMMENT 140 COMMENT 141 COMMENT 142 COMMENT 143 COMMENT 144 COMMENT 145 COMMENT RESTORE A SAVED GAME 146 Defines restore with one argument 147 Argument 1 is the name of the save file 148 BLOCK START - restore, loads and continues a saved game 149 Check if this is NOT the loading games in the demo 150 Declare integers to check save version 151 Declare integers for file descriptor and column width 152 Declare two buffers for file name and error 153 Declare an error string 154 Declare a register set 155 Declare counter of bytes 156 Declare a buffer for the save ID 157 BLANK 158 Save the original register pointer 159 Initialize the game window 160 If we're in black and white mode 161 Set the black and white mode 162 If we're skipping the screen retrace check 163 Match the flags 164 Save the old flag 165 Copy the default error message to the buffer 166 COMMENT 167 COMMENT 168 COMMENT 169 COMMENT 170 Save the current revision 171 Save the current version 172 BLANK 173 Make sure we know the drive letter 174 BLOCK START - Print message for restart (this appears dead) 175 Save the current screen type 176 Print message for space bar 177 Kill the screen type (some interrupt triggered here?? - check CURSES) 178 Wait for the space bar 179 Restore te screen type 180 Add carriage return 181 BLOCK END - Print message for drive restart 182 Try to open the file, but if there is an error... 183 Quit with error message 184 Otherwise... 185 Print a game loading message 186 Copy the file name to the buffer 187 Calculate the file size 188 Read in the short file header, compare it, and if it doesn't match... 189 Output an error message 190 Otherwise success 191 BLOCK START - Read in save file data 192 If we can properly read in the data segment 193 and we can properly read in the heap 194 Jump to line 200 195 Otherwise fail with error 196 BLOCK END - Read in save file data 197 Close the save game file 198 Exit the game 199 BLANK 200 Label after an ok read 201 Restore the registers in case they were clobbered 202 If the version numbers don't match 203 BLOCK START - Version mismatch 204 Close the save game file 205 Exit the game 206 BLOCK END - Version mismatch 207 BLANK 208 Restore the old column value 209 Move to the new heap 210 Reinit the data segment 211 Close the current screen 212 Open with the new screen data 213 If the screen sizes between games don't match... 214 BLOCK START - screen mismatch 215 Close the save game file 216 Exit the game 217 BLOCK END - screen mismatch 218 BLANK 219 Get rid of the current screen 220 Read in the screen and if the screen data doesn't match... 221 BLOCK START - Failed to get old screen 222 Close the save game file 223 Exit the game 224 BLOCK END - Failed to get old screen 225 Restore the game screen with the new data 226 BLANK 227 Everything worked! Close the file 228 Match the retrace settings 229 Set message buffer position to 0 230 Output a welcome back message 231 Roll a new random seed 232 Delete the save game file 233 End check for demo version 234 BLOCK END - restore 235 EOF˙