Decoded: Rogue (1980) by Toy, Arnold, Wichman DOS version (1983) by Mel Sibony and Jon Lane Source file: PROTECT.C Beginner friendly, line-by-line code walkthrough by MaiZure PROTECT.C provides copy protection services for the disk drive Original code: Original code with line numbers 1 COMMENT 2 COMMENT 3 COMMENT 4 BLANK 5 Includes the software interrupt header 6 BLANK 7 Import goodchk as defined in EXTERN.C 8 Declare a global integer to count steps 9 BLANK 10 Define macro for undefined values 11 Define macro for dont-care values 12 BLANK 13 Define a CRC value of 0x10 14 BLANK 15 Define a preconfigured register setup for reading rom from disk 16 AX = 0x206 (Read 6 sectors from disk...) 17 BX register 0 means no offset at destination 18 CX = 0x2701 (Read from sector 1, track 39) 19 DX is set before invoking 20 SI don't care 21 DI don't care 22 DS don't care 23 ES is where we read to (ROM at 0xF800) 24 End of rom reading register setup 25 BLANK 26 Define a preconfigured register setup for reading the disk signature 27 AX = 0x201 (Read 1 sector from disk) 28 BX doesn't matter 29 CX = 0x2707 (Read sector 7 from track 39) 30 DX is set later 31 SI doesn't matter 32 DI doesn't matter 33 DS doesn't matter 34 ES doesn't matter 35 End signature read register setup 36 BLANK 37 Define a preconfigured register setup for checking signature 38 AX = 0x201 (Read 1 sector from disk) 39 BX doesn't matter 40 CX reads from sector 60 of the hard drive...Was this install specific? 41 DX... 42 SI... 43 DI... 44 DS... 45 ES don't matter 46 End set up for signature check 47 BLANK CHECK DRIVE COPY PROTECTION 48 Define protect with one argument - the drive letter as integer 49 BLOCK START - protect, confirms copy protection 50 Declare an iterator and flags 51 Declare a register struct 52 Declare a sector-sized buffer 53 Declare a smaller buffer 54 BLANK 55 Increment the step counter 56 Pull the drive letter (casted to int) in to DX of all registers 57 Set the read target for the signatures to the data segment 58 Sig1 memory offset should be equal to the small buffer 59 Sig2 memory offset should be equal to the sector sized buffer 60 BLANK 61 Loop up to 7 times on error. (If flags&CF is true, it's an error) 62 BLOCK START - Read from ROM 63 Use the rom read register set 64 Reset the step counter 65 Invoke interrupt to read ROM and set flags 66 Increment step counter (it will reset if this failed) 67 BLOCK END - Read from ROM 68 If there was an error... 69 BLOCK START - ROM read error check 70 Reset the step counter 71 Return failure 72 BLOCK END - ROM read error check 73 ROM read successful, now loop up to 3 times to read signature 74 BLOCK START - Read signature 1 75 Set up registers for siganture 1 76 Reset step counter 77 Invoke read interrupt 78 Increment step counter 79 BLOCK END - Read signature 1 80 If there was an error... 81 BLOCK START - Signature read error 82 Reset step counter 83 Return failure 84 BLOCK END - Signature read error 85 Loop four times to compare signature integrity 86 BLOCK START - Verify signature 87 Set registers to read signature 2 88 Reset step counter 89 Invoke interrupt and get flags result 90 Increment step counter 91 Check if read was successful and the expected checksum is in AX 92 BLOCK START - success check 93 If the first 32 bytes of the buffers match... 94 We're good to go 95 Reset step counter 96 Return success 97 BLOCK END - success check 98 BLOCK END - Verify signature 99 Reset step counter 100 BLOCK END - protect 101 EOF˙