Decoded: Rogue (1980) by Toy, Arnold, Wichman DOS version (1983) by Mel Sibony and Jon Lane Source file: MONSTERS.C Beginner friendly, line-by-line code walkthrough by MaiZure MONSTERS.C contains the enemy-centric functions. Original code: Original code with line numbers 1 COMMENT 2 COMMENT 3 COMMENT 4 COMMENT 5 COMMENT 6 BLANK 7 Include the game header 8 Include the console management header 9 BLANK 10 COMMENT 11 COMMENT 12 COMMENT 13 BLANK 14 Declare a string of level generation monster options (first characters) 15 Declare a string of wandering generation monster options 16 BLANK 17 COMMENT 18 COMMENT 19 COMMENT 20 COMMENT 21 COMMENT GENERATE A MONSTER TYPE 22 Define randmonster with one argument 23 Argument 1 is a flag for wandering monster (as opposed to level monster) 24 BLOCK START - randmonster, returns a random monster type 25 Declare an index to the monster array 26 Declare a pointer to the monster's symbol 27 BLANK 28 Get a monster from either the wandering array or the level array 29 Loop while a valid monster wasn't chosen 30 Get a base random number between 0-9 31 BLANK 32 The string index is the dungeon level +/- 5 33 If the index is less than one 34 Set the index to a random number between 1-5 35 If the index is larger than the string... 36 Set the index to a random number between 22-26 37 Repeat loop while a proper monster wasn't chosen 38 Returns the character of the monster 39 BLOCK END - randmonster 40 BLANK 41 COMMENT 42 COMMENT 43 COMMENT 44 COMMENT INITIALIZE A NEW MONSTER 45 Define new_monster with three arguments 46 Argument 1 is a pointer to an object that becomes the new monster 47 Argument 2 is the type of monster 48 Argument 3 is the coordinate of the new monster 49 BLOCK START - new_monster, initializes a new monster for the level 50 Declare a pointer to a monster prototype 51 Declare a level offset 52 BLANK 53 If the player has found the amulet... 54 Then keep the monsters at the level of the amulet level 55 Add the monster to the level list of monster 56 Set the monster's type 57 Match the disguise 58 Copy the input coordinate to the new monster's position 59 Set the default old character to an unused value 60 Get the room of the monster 61 Point to the prototype of that monster class 62 Copy the monster level data plus the calculated offset 63 Fill up the monster's health after rolling for a level offset 64 Set the monster's armor capability offset by level difficulty 65 Match damage with prototype 66 Match strength with prototype 67 Match experience with prototype 68 Match special monster flags 69 The monster is ready to take a turn 70 Clear out the monster's inventory 71 If the player is wearing a ring of aggression... 72 The monster starts off awake and chasing the player 73 If the monster is a flytrap 74 Monster damage is stored in the the global flytrap damage variable 75 If the monster is a Xeroc, it can polymorph so.. 76 BLOCK START -Switch on 9 or 8 (9 if this is the last level) 77 CASE 0: Xeroc looks like a pile of gold 78 CASE 1: Xeroc looks like a potion 79 CASE 2: Xeroc looks like a scroll 80 CASE 3: Xeroc looks like a stairs 81 CASE 4: Xeroc looks like a weapon 82 CASE 5: Xeroc looks like a armor 83 CASE 6: Xeroc looks like a ring 84 CASE 7: Xeroc looks like a stick 85 CASE 8: Xeroc looks like a amulet 86 BLOCK END - Switch on 9 or 8 87 BLOCK END - new_monster 88 BLANK 89 COMMENT 90 COMMENT 91 COMMENT CREATE FLYTRAP DAMAGE 92 Define f_restor with no arguments 93 BLOCK START - f_restor, set up flytrap damage 94 Declare a pointer to the flytrap prototype 95 BLANK 96 Clear the hit by fungi flag 97 Copy the prototype damage string from the global variable 98 BLOCK END - f_restor 99 BLANK 100 COMMENT 101 COMMENT 102 COMMENT 103 COMMENT CALCULATE EXPERIENCE MODIFIER 104 Define exp_add with one argument 105 Argument 1 is a pointer to a monster 106 BLOCK START - exp_add, adds an experience modifier 107 Declare the integer return modifier 108 BLANK 109 If the monster is level 1... 110 The base experience is 1/8th of the monster's max hitpoints 111 Otherwise 112 Base experience is 1/6th 113 If the monster is above level 9... 114 Multiply the experience by 20! 115 Otherwise, if 7, 8, or 9.. 116 Multiply by 4 117 Return the experience modifier 118 BLOCK END - exp_add 119 BLANK 120 COMMENT 121 COMMENT 122 COMMENT 123 COMMENT CREATE WANDERING MONSTER 124 Defines wanderer with no arguments 125 BLOCK START - wanderer, creates a wandering monster 126 Declare an index 127 Declare a pointer to a room 128 Declare a pointer to a newly created monster 129 Declare a coordinate for monster position 130 BLANK 131 COMMENT 132 COMMENT 133 COMMENT 134 Try to allocate a monster, but if it fails... 135 Return failure 136 Otherwise loop to place the monster 137 Get a random room 138 If the random room is the same as the player... 139 Skip and try again (can't start near player) 140 Choose a random position in the chosen room 141 Repeat loop if the monster's coordinates are invalid 142 Initialize the new monster 143 Check for a test flag (not set) 144 If the monster fails to initialize 145 Send a debug message 146 End check for the test flag 147 Check for the wizard mode flag 148 If the wizard mode flag is set 149 Send a message about the creation of the wanderer 150 End check for the wizard mode flag 151 Kick off the monster 152 BLOCK END - wanderer 153 BLANK 154 COMMENT 155 COMMENT 156 COMMENT 157 COMMENT WAKE UP A MONSTER 158 wake_monster returns a pointer to a monster 159 Defines wake_monster with two arguments 160 Arguments 1 and two are map positions 161 BLOCK START - wake_monster, sets off a monster chasing the player 162 Declare a pointer to the monster 163 Declare a pointer to a room 164 Declare a character for a monster type 165 Declare a distance variable 166 BLANK 167 If there is no monster at the input coordinates... 168 Return failure 169 Get the monster's type 170 COMMENT 171 COMMENT 172 COMMENT 173 If the player is running, monster is mean and not held and on a 66% roll 174 If the player isn't stealthy... 175 BLOCK START - Target player 176 The monster targets the player 177 The monster is now running 178 BLOCK END - Target player 179 If the monster is a Medua and the player isn't blind and player saw it.. 180 And the monster hasn't been interrupt and is running... 181 BLOCK START - Medusa special power 182 Get the player's room pointer 183 Get the distance to the player 184 If the room is valid and isn't dark or is within the lamp distance... 185 Player has seen the monster 186 If the player fails a magic roll 187 And the player is confused 188 Exntend the confusion by 0-40 turns 189 Otherwise the player is confused 190 Start player confusion between 0-40 turns 191 Set the palyer confusion flag 192 Send a message about confusion 193 End check for player seeing Medusa 194 End check for Medusa 195 BLOCK END - Medusa special power 196 COMMENT 197 COMMENT 198 COMMENT 199 If the monster is greedy (guarding gold) and isn't running 200 Set the monster to running 201 If the room has gold 202 The monster is running to the gold 203 Otherwise... 204 The monster is running after the player 205 End check for greedy monsters 206 Return the monster pointer 207 BLOCK END - wake_monster 208 BLANK 209 COMMENT 210 COMMENT 211 COMMENT 212 COMMENT CREATE MONSTER INVENTORY 213 Defines give_pack with one argument 214 Argument 1 is a pointer to a monster 215 BLOCK START - give_pack, creates inventory for a monster 216 COMMENT 217 COMMENT 218 COMMENT 219 If there is space and if we successfully roll against monster type... 220 Add a random item to the monster's inventory 221 BLOCK END - give_pack 222 BLANK 223 COMMENT 224 COMMENT 225 COMMENT 226 COMMENT 227 BLANK GET A RANDOM MONSTER TYPE 228 Defines pick_mons with no arguments 229 BLOCK START - pick_mons, chooses a monster as a vorpal type 230 Declare a pointer to the end of level generation monster string 231 BLANK 232 Walk backwards across the string until a roll success 233 Repeat walk as needed 234 If the we walk the entire string without success 235 Generate an anti-Medusa weapon 236 Return the monster 237 BLOCK END - pick_mons 238 BLANK 239 BLANK 240 COMMENT 241 COMMENT 242 COMMENT 243 COMMENT 244 COMMENT 245 BLANK CHECK FOR MONSTER AT A POSITION 246 moat returns a pointer to a monster 247 Defines moat with two argments 248 Arguments 1 and 2 are coordiantes 249 BLOCK START - moat, returns a monster at an input position 250 Declares a pointer to a monster 251 BLANK 252 Loop through all the monsters 253 If the monster's position matches the lookup coordinates 254 Return the pointer to the monster 255 Return NULL if no match 256 BLOCK END - moat 257 EOF˙