Decoded: Rogue (1980) by Toy, Arnold, Wichman DOS version (1983) by Mel Sibony and Jon Lane Source file: MISC.C Beginner friendly, line-by-line code walkthrough by MaiZure MISC.C is the giant filing cabinet of support functions that don't fit anywhere else. Original code: Original code with line numbers 1 COMMENT 2 COMMENT 3 COMMENT 4 COMMENT 5 COMMENT 6 BLANK 7 Include the game header 8 Include the console management header 9 BLANK 10 COMMENT 11 COMMENT 12 COMMENT 13 COMMENT FIND TRAP NAME 14 tr_name returns a character pointer 15 Defines tr_name with one argument 16 Argument 1 is an integer enum 17 BLOCK START - tr_name, returns a string of the trap name 18 SWITCH on trap type 19 BLOCK START - switch on trap type 20 CASE Trapdoor 21 Return trap message string 22 CASE beartrap 23 Return trap message string 24 CASE sleeping gas 25 Return trap message string 26 CASE arrow trap 27 Return trap message string 28 CASE teleport trap 29 Return trap message string 30 CASE dart trap 31 Return trap message string 32 BLOCK END - switch on trap type 33 Send a message about the trap to the status bar (including typo! :D) 34 Return nothing (fail) 35 BLOCK END - tr_name 36 BLANK 37 COMMENT 38 COMMENT 39 COMMENT 40 COMMENT UPDATE SCREEN 41 Defines look with one argument 42 Argument 1 is a flag to trigger wakeup of monsters on update 43 BLOCK START - look, updates the screen...forced recalculate and redraw 44 Declare local position integers 45 Declare charcaters 46 Declare an integer index 47 Declare object pointers 48 Declare room pointer 49 Declare target coordinates 50 Declare a counter for passages 51 Declare flags and pointer 52 Declare other temporary integers 53 BLANK 54 Set the room pointer to the player's current room (global var) 55 Get the map array index of the player's position 56 Get the map's position flags using the index 57 Get the map's position character using the index 58 COMMENT 59 COMMENT 60 COMMENT 61 BLOCK START - If hero moved... 62 If the hero isn't blind... 63 Loop through the 3 columns, left/mid/right, around the prev position 64 Loop through the 3 rows around the player's old position 65 If current position also matches the new position of the player... 66 Skip this iteration - nothing to update 67 Move the cursor to the current position 68 Check the the character at this position 69 If the character is the dloor 70 If the old room's flags included darkness 71 Then make this space a blank (can't see it) 72 Otherwise... 73 Room isn't dark but get the flags anyway 74 COMMENT 75 COMMENT 76 COMMENT 77 COMMENT 78 COMMENT 79 If the flags of the position is a maze, or is an empty passage room... 80 and isn't stairs... 81 and the passage number matches the player's current... 82 Add the passage character to the space 83 End check for maze/passage drawing 84 End loop for player row 85 End loop for player column 86 Update the old position to the new position 87 Update the old room pointer to the new room pointer 88 BLOCK END - If hero moved 89 Set target y position to the row below the hero 90 Set target x position to the column to the right of the player 91 Set source x position to the column to the right of the player 92 Set source y position to the row above the player 93 Check if the character will stop for doors and is in motion 94 Grab the current sum of the player's coordinates 95 Grab the current difference of the player's coordinates 96 End check for door-stopping and motion 97 Loop from source to target around player (upper left to lower right) 98 Loop from source to target around player (upper left to lower right) 99 If the row position is outside the map... 100 Skip this iteration 101 If the player isn't blind... 102 If we're on the player's current position 103 Skip this iteration 104 If the player is blind and the square isn't the player's position 105 Skip this iteration 106 BLANK 107 Get the index value of the current iteration position for the map array 108 COMMENT 109 COMMENT 110 COMMENT 111 COMMENT 112 Get the position's flags 113 Get the position's character 114 COMMENT 115 COMMENT 116 COMMENT 117 Make sure the position isn't a door (we don't want to change doors) 118 COMMENT 119 COMMENT 120 COMMENT 121 If the hero and space are in room types... 122 COMMENT 123 COMMENT 124 COMMENT 125 And the both types aren't mazes... 126 Skip this iteration 127 End check for different passage rooms 128 COMMENT 129 COMMENT 130 COMMENT 131 If the player and the target position are different passages... 132 Skip this iteration. (We only want to update contiguous squares) 133 BLANK 134 Check if there is a monster on the target position... 135 If the player sees the monster and it's inivisble then... 136 If the player is in motion 137 Stop running 138 Skip to next iteration 139 Otherwise there is a monster but the player doesn't see it 140 If the input wakeup argument is true... 141 Then wake up the monster at that position 142 If the monster's old character space was set to blank... 143 And the room is visible to the player (not dark or blind).. 144 Set the monster's old character to the level data 145 If the player sees the monster then... 146 The monster's buffered character should equal the true map character 147 End check for visible monsters 148 BLANK 149 If the character isn't a floor character but we are in a passage/maze... 150 COMMENT 151 COMMENT 152 COMMENT 153 COMMENT 154 Make sure the character isn't armor item (As the comment says...) 155 Invert the colors of the item to make it stand out in the dark 156 BLANK 157 Move the cursor to the current position 158 Print the character that we've calculated for that space 159 Remove any inverse color printing that may have been enabled 160 BLANK 161 If the player is in run mode, in motion, and capable of auto-stopping... 162 BLOCK START - SWITCH on running direction 163 CASE If the player is running left... 164 If we're currently updating the column to the right of the player... 165 Then skip this iteration (no need to update that side) 166 CASE If the player is running down... 167 If we're currently updating the row above the player... 168 Then skip this iteration (no need to update that side) 169 CASE If the player is running up... 170 If we're currently updating the row below the player... 171 Then skip this iteration (no need to update that side) 172 CASE If the player is running right... 173 If we're currently updating the column to the left of the player... 174 Then skip this iteration (no need to update that side) 175 CASE If the player is running up and left... 176 If we're currently updating a square below or right of the player... 177 Then skip this iteration (no need to update that side) 178 CASE If the player is running up and right... 179 And we're currently updating any square below or to the left 180 Then skip this iteration (no need to update that side) 181 CASE If the player is running down and left... 182 And we're currently updating any square above or right.. 183 Then skip this iteration (no need to update that side) 184 CASE If the player is running down and right... 185 And we're currently updating any square above or left... 186 Then skip this iteration (no need to update that side) 187 BLOCK END - Switch on running direction 188 BLOCK START - Switch on the character displayed 189 CASE character is a door 190 If the player is on the door... 191 Then stop running 192 End character check 193 CASE character is a passage 194 If the hero is in a passage 195 Increment the local passage counter 196 End character check 197 CASE character is a floor (fallthrough) 198 CASE character is a vertical wall (fallthrough) 199 CASE character is a horizontal wall (fallthrough) 200 CASE character is an upper-left corner wall (fallthrough) 201 CASE character is an upper-right corner wall (fallthrough) 202 CASE character is an lower-left corner wall (fallthrough) 203 CASE character is an lower-right corner wall (fallthrough) 204 CASE character is a space 205 Nothing else to do with any of the above, break 206 In all other cases (monsters, interesting items...) 207 Stop running 208 Break from character check 209 BLOCK END - Switch on character displayed 210 End check for player running changes 211 End inner/outer loop for checking squares 212 If any passages were encountered.. 213 Stop the player from running 214 Move the player to the chosen coordinates 215 If the player is in a passage, or was trapped... 216 Or the player is in a maze... 217 Invert the color scheme (passages/mazes are difficult to see) 218 Finally...draw the player 219 End inverted color scheme 220 If the player was trapped... 221 Make the computer beep! BEEEEEEP 222 Clear the trapped flag until the next round of updates 223 End check for trapped player 224 BLOCK END - look 225 BLANK 226 COMMENT 227 COMMENT 228 COMMENT 229 COMMENT FIND OBJECT AT POSITION 230 find_obj returns a pointer to an object 231 Defines find_obj with two arguments 232 Arguments are x and y positions on the map 233 BLOCK START - find_obj, returns a pointer to an object at input position 234 Declare a local pointer to an object 235 BLANK 236 Loop through all objects on the map 237 If the current object matches the input coordinates... 238 Return that object 239 Check if debug mode is enabled (it's not) 240 Output the find to the debug log 241 Return nothing 242 Otherwise nothing else happens 243 COMMENT 244 End check for debug mode 245 BLOCK START - find_obj 246 BLANK 247 COMMENT 248 COMMENT 249 COMMENT 250 COMMENT EATING 251 Defines eat with no arguments 252 BLOCK START - eat, player eats food from pack 253 Declare a pointer to an object 254 BLANK 255 Check inventory and if the player doesn't have any food to eat... 256 Return...can't eat 257 If the player chose an object to eat that isn't food 258 BLOCK START - Trying to eat non-food 259 Send a bad message to the player 260 End function 261 BLOCK END - Trying to eat non-food 262 Decrement the inventory size counter 263 If the inventory object no longer has a count (stack is empty) 264 BLOCK START - Remove object stack from inventory 265 Remove the object from inventory 266 Free memory for the object 267 BLOCK END - Remove object stack from inventory 268 Check if the player's food value is negative 269 Set the food to zero 270 If the player's stomach is close to full..(within 20 units) 271 Pass between 2 and 6 turns 272 Add food to the player's stomach and check if it's greater than max 273 If so...cap the hunger level at max 274 Player is no longer hungry 275 ***If the player chose to eat his weapon*** 276 Then remove the weapon (can this happen if weapon wasnt already food?) 277 If the player chose to eat unique food... 278 Send a good message.. 279 Otherwise... 280 If we roll for a 30% chance.. 281 BLOCK START - Beneficial food 282 Add some experience to the player 283 Send message that the food tasted bad...because it's beneficial! 284 Check player experience level 285 BLOCK END - Beneficial food 286 Otherwise... 287 Just print a regular message 288 If the player ate so much that they can't move 289 Print that the player fell asleep 290 BLOCK END - eat 291 BLANK 292 COMMENT 293 COMMENT 294 COMMENT 295 COMMENT 296 COMMENT CHANGE STRENGTH 297 Defines chg_str with one argument 298 Argument 1 is the amount to change strength 299 BLOCK START - chg_str, changes player strength by an input amount 300 Declare a strength variable 301 BLANK 302 If the input amount is zero... 303 Return, nothing to do 304 Otherwise add the strength change to the player's base stats 305 Grab the changed amount 306 If the player's left ring adds strength... 307 Add that bonus to the total strength 308 If the player's right ring adds strength... 309 Add that bonus to the total strength 310 If the new strength amount is larger than the maximum allowable... 311 Up the maximum amount to the new calculate amount 312 BLOCK END - chg_str 313 BLANK 314 COMMENT 315 COMMENT 316 COMMENT 317 COMMENT ADD STRENGTH 318 Defines add_str with two arguments 319 Argument 1 is a pointer to the strength value 320 Argument 2 is the amount to change 321 BLOCK START - add_str, adds to the player's strength 322 Apply strength change and if the result is less than 3... 323 Floor it at 3 324 If the input strength amount is greater than 31 325 Cap it at 31 326 BLOCK END - add_str 327 BLANK 328 COMMENT 329 COMMENT 330 COMMENT 331 COMMENT HASTE EFFECT 332 Defines add_haste with one agument 333 Argument 1 is a flag set if the player used a haste potion 334 BLOCK START - add_haste 335 If the player has the haste effect applied...(bad if you double haste) 336 BLOCK START - double haste 337 Player skips up to 8 turns 338 Player is no longer running 339 Undo haste timer 340 Player is no longer hasted 341 Send message to player that they overdid it 342 Return false, player is not hasted 343 BLOCK END - double haste 344 Otherwise this is a valid haste attempt 345 BLOCK START - regular haste 346 Add the haste flag 347 If the player drank a potion 348 Set up a timer to wear off between 10 and 13 turns 349 Return true, player is now hasted 350 BLOCK END - regular haste 351 BLOCK END - add_haste 352 BLANK 353 COMMENT 354 COMMENT 355 COMMENT 356 COMMENT AGGRO ALL MONSTERS 357 Defines aggravate with no arguments 358 BLOCK START - aggravate, wakes up all monsters 359 Declare a pointer to an object 360 BLANK 361 Loop through the list of monsters 362 Let them loose! 363 BLOCK END - aggravate 364 BLANK 365 COMMENT 366 COMMENT 367 COMMENT 368 COMMENT 369 COMMENT MODIFIES STRINGS FOR VOWELS 370 vowelstr returns a pointer to a string 371 Defines vowelstr with one argument 372 Argument 1 is an input string pointer 373 BLOCK START - vowelstr, Converts 'a'->'an' when input starts with vowel 374 SWITCH on the input character 375 BLOCK START - Switchon the input character 376 CASE a: (fallthrough) 377 CASE e: (fallthrough) 378 CASE i: (fallthrough) 379 CASE o: (fallthrough) 380 CASE u: (fallthrough) 381 Return 'n' (to be added to a previous 'a') 382 Otherwise.. 383 Return blank (also to be added to a previous 'a') 384 BLOCK START - Switch on input character 385 BLOCK END - vowelstr 386 BLANK 387 COMMENT 388 COMMENT 389 COMMENT 390 COMMENT CHECK IF OBJECT IS WORN BY PLAYER 391 Defines is_current with one argument 392 Argument 1 is a pointer to an object 393 BLOCK START - is_current, returns true if input object is in use 394 If the input object doesn't exist... 395 Return false - nothing to point to 396 If the input object is the current armor, weapon, left ring... 397 ...or the right ring... 398 Send a message that the object is already in use 399 Return true 400 Otherwise the object isn't worn.. 401 Return false 402 BLOCK END - is_current 403 BLANK 404 COMMENT 405 COMMENT 406 COMMENT 407 COMMENT 408 COMMENT QUERY PLAYER FOR MOVEMENT DIRECTION 409 Defines get_dir with no arguments 410 BLOCK START - get_dir, gets a direction and returns success/fail 411 Declare a local string for the player input prompt 412 Declare a success/fail flag 413 Declare an input character variable 414 BLANK 415 If the global repeat flag is set then we already have a valid input 416 Return true without checking 417 Send a message to the player requesting a direction 418 Loop while there is no input 419 Check if the input character is escape 420 Send a blank message to flush the log 421 Return false to escape the input 422 End loop block 423 Repeat loop while there is no input 424 Flush the message buffer 425 If the player is confused and game rolls a 20% chance that... 426 Begin loop to get a random direction 427 Get a random x offset 428 Get a random y offset 429 Repeat loop until there is at least some offset 430 Return true - a movement direction was registered 431 BLOCK END - get_dir 432 BLANK READ PLAYER INPUT FOR DIRECTION 433 Defines find_dir with two arguments 434 Argument 1 is a character 435 Argument 2 is a coordinate struct (x,y pair) 436 BLOCK START - find_dir 437 Declare a flag asserted when there is valid input 438 BLANK 439 Set the input flag to true 440 SWITCH on the input character 441 CASE character is an H -> set input struct to left offset 442 CASE character is an J -> set input struct to down offset 443 CASE character is an K -> set input struct to up offset 444 CASE character is an L -> set input struct to right offset 445 CASE character is an Y -> set input struct to up-left offset 446 CASE character is an U -> set input struct to up-right offset 447 CASE character is an B -> set input struct to down-left offset 448 CASE character is an M -> set input struct to down-right offset 449 CASE other, set flag to failure. No valid input 450 End switch on input character 451 Return the flag 452 BLOCK END - find_dir 453 BLANK 454 COMMENT 455 COMMENT 456 COMMENT 457 COMMENT FIND SIGNEDNESS OF INPUT NUMBER 458 Defines sign with one argument 459 Argument 1 is the integer to check 460 BLOCK START - sign, returns -1,0,1 based on sign of number 461 462 463 464 465 BLOCK END - sign 466 BLANK 467 COMMENT 468 COMMENT 469 COMMENT 470 COMMENT RETURN A RANDOM NUMBER WITH 10% OF INPUT NUMBER 471 Defines spread with one argument 472 Argument 1 is the input integer to base the result around 473 BLOCK START - spread, returns a random number within 10% of input 474 Calculate a value 90% of the input value and add back a random 20% 475 Return that number which should be between 90% and 110% of the input 476 BLOCK END - spread 477 BLANK 478 COMMENT 479 COMMENT 480 COMMENT 481 COMMENT CREATE OBJECT NAME ALIAS 482 Defines call_it with two arguments 483 Argument 1 is a flag set if the player already knows what the object is 484 Argument 2 is a pointer to the string of the player's choice 485 BLOCK START - call_it, assigns player input string to an object 486 If the player knows about the object but has a guess... 487 Remove the guess because the player knows 488 Otherwise, if the player doesn't know but hasn't guessed yet 489 Send a message to the player for a guess 490 Read the player's guess 491 If the guess isn't escape 492 Copy the guess from the global print buffer to the object's guess 493 Send a blank message to the player (flush the log) 494 End check for 495 BLOCK END - call_it 496 BLANK 497 COMMENT 498 COMMENT 499 COMMENT 500 COMMENT MOVEMENT CHECK 501 Defines step ok with one argument - an input char from the map 502 BLOCK START - step_ok, returns true if player can move on input space 503 SWITCH on input character 504 BLOCK START - Switch on input character 505 CASE: Empty space (fallthrough) 506 CASE: vertical wall (fallthrough) 507 CASE: horizontal wall (fallthrough) 508 CASE: upper-left corner wall (fallthrough) 509 CASE: upper-right corner wall (fallthrough) 510 CASE: lower-left corner wall (fallthrough) 511 CASE: lower-right corner wall (fallthrough) 512 Return false in all cases of walls. Players can't IDSPISPOPD through it 513 In all other cases... 514 Player can walk on to all non-capital (monster) letters 515 BLOCK END - Switch on input character 516 BLOCK END - step_ok 517 BLANK 518 COMMENT 519 COMMENT 520 COMMENT 521 COMMENT 522 COMMENT 523 BLANK CHANGES OBJECT DISPLAY CHARACTER BASED ON QUALITY 524 Defines goodch with one argument 525 Argument 1 is a pointer to an object 526 BLOCK START - goodch, modifies an object display character if its bad 527 Assume input character scheme is a magic object 528 BLANK 529 If the object is cursed... 530 Then it is a bad magic object and needs another color scheme 531 BLOCK START - SWITCH on object type 532 CASE object is armor 533 If the armor class is higher than usual (higher is bad) 534 Then set the color scheme to bad 535 CASE object is weapon 536 If either the hit bonus or damage bonus is negative 537 Then set the color scheme to bad 538 CASE object is scroll 539 Switch the type of magic of the scroll 540 If it's a sleep scroll 541 If it's a create monster scroll 542 If it's a scroll to aggro monsters 543 Then set the color scheme to bad 544 End check for scroll type 545 CASE object is potion 546 Switch on the type of potion 547 If it's a confuse potion... 548 If it's a paralyze potion... 549 If it's a poison potion... 550 If it's a blind potion... 551 Then set the color scheme to bad 552 End check for potion type 553 CASE object is wand/staff 554 Switch on the type of wand/staff 555 If it's a haste monster wand/staff... 556 If it's a teleport to wand/staff 557 Then set the color scheme to bad 558 End check for wand/staff type 559 CASE object is ring 560 Switch on the type of ring 561 If it's a protect ring... 562 If it's a add strength ring... 563 If it's a add damage ring... 564 If it's a add hit bonus ring... 565 But the bonuses are negative.... 566 Then set the color scheme to bad 567 If it's an aggro monster ring... 568 If it's a teleport ring... 569 Then set the color scheme to bad 570 End check for ring type 571 BLOCK END - Switch on object type 572 Return the character scheme to print 573 BLOCK END - goodch 574 BLANK 575 COMMENT 576 COMMENT 577 COMMENT DISPLAY GAME HELP 578 Defines help with one argument 579 Argument 1 is the help screen to display 580 BLOCK START - help, displays game help screen 581 Check if help flag is enabled (It is!) 582 Declare a help counter 583 Declare integers for row and column 584 Declare a flag used if the output display is full 585 Declare a byte to hold user input 586 BLANK 587 Saves the contents of the console before we clear it all 588 Loop while there is help and user hasn't escaped 589 BLOCK START - Output help data 590 Start at the beginning - screen isn't full yet 591 If we're at the beginning of the screen.. 592 Clear the screen 593 COMMENT 594 COMMENT 595 COMMENT 596 Start at the left 597 If we're in terse mode... 598 BLOCK START - Terse mode location 599 The screen is 23 characters wide so our horiz position is count mod 23 600 If we're on row 22... 601 Then the screen is full 602 BLOCK END - Terse mode location 603 Otherwise we're not in terse mode... 604 BLOCK START - Normal mode location 605 If we're not in terse mode then the width is half of count mod 46 606 If we're on an odd character... 607 Then assume we're at column 40 608 If we're at 22, 40 then... 609 The screen is full 610 BLOCK END - Normal mode location 611 BLANK 612 Move the cursor to the current position 613 BLANK 614 Add a charcater from the help screen and increment pointer to next char 615 BLANK 616 COMMENT 617 COMMENT 618 COMMENT 619 If the help has fully printed or the screen is full... 620 BLOCK START - Output state check 621 If the help screen is empty - we're done 622 Print message for player to continue 623 Otherwise there is more to print and sceeen is full. If terse mode... 624 Print a short option for continue or escape to exit 625 Otherwise we're not terse 626 Print a longer message to continue or exit 627 Loop while waiting for user input 628 Get user input 629 Repeat loop if there is no good input 630 BLOCK END - Output state check 631 Increment the output counter 632 BLOCK END - Output help data 633 Restore the saved console output 634 End check for help mode flag 635 BLOCK END - help 636 BLANK 637 Check for UNIX (nope - we're using DOS) 638 BLANK CALCULATES SQUARED MANHATTAN DISTANCE 639 Defines DISTANCE with four arguments 640 The arguments are the two x,y positions to check 641 BLOCK START - DISTANCE, returns squared Manhattan distance 642 Declare two integers to hold distance differences 643 BLANK 644 Calculate the difference between two Xs 645 Calculate the difference betwen two Ys 646 Return the squared sum of the differences (guarantees positive result) 647 BLOCK END - DISTANCE 648 BLANK CHECKS IF TWO COORDINATES ARE EQUAL 649 Defines _ce with two arugments 650 Both arugments are the two coordinate structs to check 651 BLOCK START - _ce, returns true if both input coordinates are equal 652 Return true if both coordinates match 653 BLOCK END - _ce 654 BLANK CONVERTS INPUT POSITION TO A COLUMN-MAJOR INDEX 655 Defines INDEX with two arguments - x and y positions 656 BLOCK START - INDEX, returns 657 Check if the DEBUG mode flag is set (it's not) 658 If the point is off the map and the coder is playing...(dead code) 659 Output a debug error. (dead code) 660 End check for debug flag 661 Return the column major index value 662 BLOCK END - INDEX 663 BLANK CHECKS IF INPUT POSITION IS OFF THE MAP 664 Defines offmap with two arguments, x and y positions to check 665 BLOCK START - offmap, returns true if input is off the map 666 Return four corner check against the map size 667 BLOCK END - offmap 668 BLANK GETS CHARACTER AT A POSITION (includes monsters) 669 Defines winat with two arguments 670 Arguments are the x and y position to check 671 BLOCK START - winat, returns character on the map at input position 672 Return either the monter's disguise or the tile character 673 BLOCK END - winat 674 End check for UNIX flag 675 BLANK 676 COMMENT 677 COMMENT 678 COMMENT 679 COMMENT PLAYER SEARCHING 680 Defines search with no arguments 681 BLOCK START - search, searches around the player for hidden things 682 Declare temporary integers for x and y position 683 Declare a flag pointer 684 Declare another pair of invariant positions to interate to around player 685 BLANK 686 If the player is blind... 687 Return because he can't see anything to search 688 Set the target y to the map position below the player 689 Set the target x to the map position right of the player 690 Loop from the row above the player to the row below 691 Loop from the column to the left of the player to the one to the right 692 BLOCK START - Search loop 693 If the square we're search is either at the player or off the map... 694 Skip to the next iteration 695 Get a pointer to the flags of the tile we're searching 696 If the tile is fake (has a hidden secret) 697 SWITCH on the type of tile 698 BLOCK START - Switch on tile type 699 CASE: tile is a vertical wall (fallthrough) 700 CASE: tile is a horizontal wall (fallthrough) 701 CASE: tile is an upper left corner (fallthrough) 702 CASE: tile is an upper right corner (fallthrough) 703 CASE: tile is a lower left corner (fallthrough) 704 CASE: tile is a lower right corner (fallthrough) 705 If we roll anything but a 0 on a 5 sided die... 706 Then we didn't find anything (80% chance) 707 Check if there is a door on the tile. 708 Set the flags for the tile to real (secret is now visible) 709 Clear all queued commands and running status 710 End search 711 CASE tile is empty floor 712 Roll for a 50% chance that... 713 The player finds nothing 714 Otherwise the player finds a trap 715 Set the tile flags to real 716 Clear command queue/running status 717 Send a message that the player found something interesting 718 Break search cases 719 BLOCK END - Switch on tile type 720 BLOCK END - Search loop 721 BLOCK END - search 722 BLANK 723 BLANK 724 COMMENT 725 COMMENT 726 COMMENT 727 COMMENT GO DOWN A GAME LEVEL (deeper in to the Dungeon of Doom) 728 Defines d_level with no arguments 729 BLOCK START - d_level, go down a level 730 Check if the floor under the character doesn't have stairs 731 Send a message that the player can't go down 732 Otherwise there are stairs so.. 733 Increment the level 734 Generate a new level 735 End check for stairs 736 BLOCK END - d_level 737 BLANK 738 COMMENT 739 COMMENT 740 COMMENT 741 COMMENT GO UP A GAME LEVEL (back to an earlier level) 742 Defines u_level with no arguments 743 BLOCK START - u_level. go up a level 744 If the floor under the character is the stairs... 745 If the player has the amulet of Yendor (ready to beat the game) 746 Decrement the game level 747 If the level is now 0... 748 Player wins! (this function won't continue below 749 Generate a new level 750 Send a message to the player that they've changed levels 751 Otherwise the player doesn't have the amulet so.. 752 Send message that the player can't go up. 753 Otherwise, there are no stairs here at all so... 754 Send message that the player is crazy 755 BLOCK END - u_level 756 BLANK 757 COMMENT 758 COMMENT 759 COMMENT 760 COMMENT PLAYER RENAMING OF OBJECTS 761 Defines call with no arguments 762 BLOCK START - call, allows player to change names of objects 763 Declare a pointer to an object 764 Delcare pointer to string pointer and another string pointer 765 Declare a flag thats true if the player already knows the object 766 BLANK 767 Have the player choose an object to rename 768 COMMENT 769 COMMENT 770 COMMENT 771 If no object was chosen... 772 Return from function 773 SWITCH on the type of object 774 BLOCK START - Switch on object type 775 CASE Object is a ring 776 Point the guess string array to the ring guess string array 777 Set the know flag to the known ring flags 778 Check the current guess for the object and if it has a guess already... 779 Set it to the guess, otherwise, set it to the randomized name 780 CASE Object is a potion 781 Point the guess string array to the potion guess string array 782 Set the know flag to the known potion flags 783 Check the current guess for the object and if it has a guess already... 784 Set it to the guess, otherwise, set it to the randomized name 785 CASE Object is a scroll 786 Point the guess string array to the scroll guess string array 787 Set the know flag to the known scroll flags 788 Check the current guess for the object and if it has a guess already... 789 Set it to the guess, otherwise, set it to the randomized name 790 CASE Object is a wand/staff 791 Point the guess string array to the wand/staff guess string array 792 Set the know flag to the known wand flags 793 Check the current guess for the object and if it has a guess already... 794 Set it to the guess, otherwise, set it to the randomized name 795 CASE all other objects 796 Send message that other objects can't be renamed 797 Return from renaming 798 BLOCK END - Switch on object type 799 If the chosen object is already known... 800 BLOCK START - Known object 801 Warn the player of failure...there's no guessing hre 802 End rename function 803 BLOCK END - Known object 804 Tell the player was the object was called 805 Request a new name 806 Get the name from the player 807 If the player pressed escape... 808 Just copy the old name and proceed 809 Clear the message buffer 810 BLOCK END - call 811 BLANK 812 COMMENT 813 COMMENT 814 COMMENT PLAYER DEFINED MACROS 815 Defines macro with two arguments 816 Argument 1 is the character buffer to hold input characters 817 Argument 2 is the size of the buffer 818 BLOCK START - do_macro, allows player to define a macro 819 Declare a pointer to the global print buffer 820 BLANK 821 Send message to player showing the previous macro and requesting new one 822 Check if the user input was not simply the escape character 823 Loop while the buffer still has characters 824 If the character is anything except CTRL-F 825 Copy it to the macro buffer 826 Repeat loop if the buffer still has more data 827 Flush status buffer 828 Flush keyboard buffer 829 BLOCK END - do_macro DEBUG STUFF (dead code) 830 BLANK 831 Defines me with no arguments 832 If ME macro is defined...(it's not) 833 BLOCK START - me, returns a global variable 834 Return value of global is_me 835 BLOCK END - me 836 End check for is_me 837 BLANK 838 BLANK 839 If TEST macro is defined...(it's not) 840 Defines istest with no arguments 841 BLOCK START - istest, is useless 842 Return true if fruit is debug 843 BLOCK END - istest 844 End check for TEST macro 845 EOF˙