Decoded: Rogue (1980) by Toy, Arnold, Wichman DOS version (1983) by Mel Sibony and Jon Lane Source file: LOAD.C Beginner friendly, line-by-line code walkthrough by MaiZure LOAD.C loads title screen graphics by directly manipulating video memory Original code: Original code with line numbers 1 COMMENT 2 COMMENT 3 COMMENT 4 COMMENT 5 COMMENT 6 BLANK 7 Include the game header file 8 BLANK 9 Defines macro for the hardware mode address in BIOS memory BIOS:0x65 10 Defines macro for the address of the 6845 Mode control register 11 Defines macro mask for the B&W enable bit in the mode register 12 Defines macro for the address of the color selection register 13 Defines macro for the background intensity bit of the color register 14 Defines macro...not used 15 BLANK 16 Declare a pointer to a byte 17 Initialize variables for the video block size and a file descriptor 18 BLANK SHOW THE TITLE PICTURE 19 Defines epyx_yuck with no arguments 20 BLOCK START - epyx_yuck, show the epyx title logo 21 Import the tick counter from DOS.ASM 22 Initialize an integer for the current video mode (text) 23 Import sbrk to allocate memory later 24 BLANK 25 If we're in Monochrome mode or there is no graphics file... 26 Return to caller - nothing to do 27 Allocate memory for graphics but if we fail.. 28 Keep trying to allocate with progressively smaller blocks until success 29 Set video mode to 320x200, 4 color CGA 30 Load and display the graphics 31 Reset the tick counter 32 If we're logging (we're not) 33 Loop forever (dead code) 34 Repeat loop 35 Otherwise, if no logfile 36 Loop while there's no use input 37 Repeat loop 38 If there is input... 39 Read the input 40 End check for logfile 41 Reset video mode back to the original text mode 42 Undo memory allocation for graphics 43 Reset tick counter to 0 44 BLOCK END - epyx_yuck 45 BLANK INITIALIZES SCREEN FOR GRAPHICS 46 Defines src_load with no arguments 47 BLOCK START - scr_load, initializes the screen for graphics display 48 Declare integers for the palette and background settings 49 Declare integers for the video mode and the color bit 50 BLANK 51 Load the graphics file in to video memory 52 BLANK 53 Read the palette settings from byte 8012 of the video now in video mem 54 Read the background settings from byte 8013 (these are custom formats) 55 BLANK 56 If the palette setting is above three... 57 Then we can enable high intensity 58 Initialize burst (bw mode) to 0 59 SWITCH on the palette settings 60 BLOCK START - Switch on palette 61 CASE palette setting is 2 (fallthrough) 62 CASE palette setting is 5 63 Set the burst flag to 1 (bw mode) 64 CASE palette setting is 0 (fallthrough) 65 CASE palette setting is 3 66 Palette setting is 1 67 End of check for palette setting 68 CASE palette is 1 (fallthrough) 69 CASE palette is 4 70 Set palette to 0 71 End check for palette setting 72 BLOCK END - Switch on palette 73 BLANK 74 Output the background to 0x3d9 -- first 5 bits matter 75 Read the current mode without the BW flag (using file burst setting) 76 If we read in the burst bit... 77 Assert the black and white mode 78 Then send the updated mode back to the BIOS parameter block 79 Output the new mode to the video hardware at 0x3d8 80 BLOCK END - scr_load 81 BLANK LOADS GRAPHICS IN TO VIDEO MEMORY 82 Define bload with one argument 83 Argument one is the segment number we'll offset from for memory access 84 BLOCK START - bload, loads the binary data in to video memory 85 Initializes the offset to 0 and declares a read counter 86 BLANK 87 Read 7 bytes from the file...assume good 88 Seek past this amount 89 Loop while we continue to read.. 90 Output the bytes read in to the video memory 91 Increment the offset and check it's bounds (should never get this far) 92 Break if we've read more than video memory allows 93 Repeat loop while we have more to read 94 BLOCK END - bload 95 BLANK GETS THE CURRENT DRIVE LETTER 96 Define find_drive with no arguments 97 BLOCK START - find_drive, finds the drive using a DOS software interrupt 98 Initializes an integer holding the current drive number from offset 0x19 of the BIOS parameter block 99 Gets the save game drive letter 100 Allocates space for a file name 101 BLANK 102 If the drive letter is a letter (is valid)... 103 BLOCK START - Set drive number 104 If the environment variable drive letter is capitalized... 105 The drive number is offset from capital A 106 Otherwise the drive letter is lower case... 107 Offset from lower case a 108 BLOCK END - Set drive number 109 Set the file name 110 Overwrite the file name with the real drive letter 111 Check file accessibility?? (This function isn't included in the source) 112 Return the drive letter 113 BLOCK END - find_drive 114 EOF˙