Decoded: Rogue (1980) by Toy, Arnold, Wichman DOS version (1983) by Mel Sibony and Jon Lane Source file: LIST.C Beginner friendly, line-by-line code walkthrough by MaiZure LIST.C is Rogue's linked list implementation. This list is not general purpose because it assumes that all entries are game items/monsters... Original code: Original code with line numbers 1 COMMENT 2 COMMENT 3 COMMENT 4 COMMENT 5 COMMENT 6 COMMENT 7 COMMENT 8 BLANK 9 Includes the game header 10 Includes the console management header 11 BLANK 12 Import the global items linked list 13 Import the global item counter 14 COMMENT 15 COMMENT 16 COMMENT 17 COMMENT REMOVES AN ENTRY FROM THE LIST Don't lose this pointer! 18 Defines _detach with two arguments 19 Argument 1 is the list, argument 2 is the item 20 BLOCK START - _detach, removes an (already found) item from the list 21 If the base item in the list is the item we're detaching... 22 Repoint the head of the list to the next item 23 If the item has a predecessor, repoint it to the successor 24 If the item has a successor, report successor to predecessor 25 Remove item's successor link 26 Remove item's predecessor link 27 BLOCK END - _detach 28 BLANK 29 COMMENT 30 COMMENT 31 COMMENT 32 COMMENT ADDS AN ENTRY TO THE LIST 33 Defines _attach with two arguments 34 Argument 1 is the list, argument 2 is the item 35 BLOCK START - _attach, adds an item to the list head 36 If the list has at least one element already... 37 BLOCK START - Adding to a populated list 38 Point the new item to the first element in the list 39 Point first element in the list's predecessor to the new item 40 The new item has no predcessor, its the head of the list (line 47) 41 BLOCK END - Adding to a populated list 42 Otherwise the list is empty.. 43 BLOCK START - Adding to an empty list 44 New item has no successor 45 New item has no predecessor 46 BLOCK END - Adding to an empty list 47 Make the new item the head of the list 48 BLOCK END - _attach 49 BLANK 50 COMMENT 51 COMMENT 52 COMMENT 53 COMMENT CLEAR THE LIST 54 Define _free_list with one argument 55 Argument 1 is a pointer to the list to destroy 56 BLOCK START - _free_list - destroys all items in the list 57 Declare a pointer to a game item (in the list) 58 BLANK 59 Loop while the list has items 60 BLOCK START - Clean the list 61 Get the head item 62 Move the list head to the next item 63 Destroy the now-unlinked item 64 BLOCK END - Clean the list 65 BLOCK END - _free_list 66 BLANK 67 BLANK 68 COMMENT 69 COMMENT 70 COMMENT 71 COMMENT CREATE A NEW LIST ENTRY 72 new_item returns a pointer to a game object 73 Define new_item with no arguments 74 BLOCK START - new_item, creates a new object 75 Declare a pointer to a game object 76 Check for debug mode... 77 Allocate a new item and if it could not be allocated... 78 Send a failure message to the player 79 Otherwise, the item was allocated so.. 80 If not debug mode... 81 If the item was successfully allocated 82 End check for debug mode 83 Null out the next and prev pointers (don't lost this item!) 84 Return the item 85 BLOCK END - new_item 86 BLANK 87 COMMENT 88 COMMENT 89 COMMENT ALLOCATE MEMORY FOR AN ENTRY 90 Define talloc with no arguments 91 BLOCK START - talloc, allocates memory for a new object 92 Declare an iterator 93 BLANK 94 Loop through all 83 of the possible generated items 95 BLOCK START - Item loop 96 If the item hasn't been allocated.. 97 BLOCK START - Allocate a new item 98 If this is the largest number of items so far.... 99 Update the largest item count 100 Increment the counter for that item 101 Set the object's bytes to 0 (in the master 'thing' array) 102 Return a pointer to the new object 103 BLOCK END - Allocate a new item 104 BLOCK END - Item loop 105 Return failure 106 BLOCK END - talloc 107 BLANK 108 COMMENT 109 COMMENT 110 COMMENT 111 COMMENT DESTROY AN ENTRY 112 Define discard with one argument 113 Argument 1 is the item to destroy 114 BLOCK START - discard, destorys an item 115 Declare an interator 116 BLANK 117 Loop through all items 118 BLOCK START - All item loop 119 If the input item is found... 120 BLOCK START - Destroy target item 121 Decrement the item total 122 Deallocate item 123 Return success 124 BLOCK END - Destroy target item 125 BLOCK END - All item loop 126 Return failure 127 BLOCK END - discard 128 EOF˙