Decoded: Rogue (1980) by Toy, Arnold, Wichman DOS version (1983) by Mel Sibony and Jon Lane Source file: CURSES.C Beginner friendly, line-by-line code walkthrough by MaiZure CURSES.C provides console management routines for I/O control. This seems like a custom implementation ported to DOS specifically for Rogue Original code: Original code with line numbers 1 COMMENT 2 COMMENT 3 COMMENT 4 Includes the game header 5 Includes the curses header 6 BLANK 7 Imports the memory allocation call linked from SBRK.ASM 8 COMMENT 9 COMMENT 10 COMMENT 11 Initialize screen dimension globals for text mode - 25x80 12 Declare flag signalling if screen state has been saved for later 13 Declare a flag for the cursor state - on or off 14 Declare an integer to hold the character display mode (fore/back color) 15 Declare a global holding the previously posted memory page 16 Declare a flag enabled if we're checking monitor retrace state 17 BLANK 18 Initializes the screen data segment, 0xB800 is the base memory page for CGA/EGA/VGA. Note that the original Monochrome starts at 0xB000 19 Declare an integer to hold the window data segment 20 BLANK 21 Declare a pointer to the saved screen to dump to or restore from 22 Declare the screen mode 23 Declare the tab size 24 Declare the current memory page number 25 BLANK 26 Define a macro for the maximum number of character format attributes 27 Initialize an array of character attributes for color monitors 28 A color attribute (this ordering is mostly unique -- never standardized) 29 A color attribute 30 A color attribute 31 A color attribute 32 A color attribute 33 A color attribute 34 A color attribute 35 A color attribute 36 A color attribute 37 A color attribute 38 A color attribute 39 A color attribute 40 A color attribute 41 A color attribute 42 A color attribute 43 A color attribute 44 A color attribute 45 Blank (also black) 46 End of color monitor attributes 47 BLANK 48 Initialize attribute array for monochrome monitors 49 A monochrome attribute 50 The same monochrome attribute 51 Look Monochrome only has 1 color right? 52 But we still need compatability with the color code right? 53 Guess we have to plug this array with the exact same attribute 54 Over 55 and Over 56 and Over 57 and Over 58 ... 59 Yup, still just the same color 60 zzzzz 61 Oh look, a different attribute! 62 And we're back to the same old attribute 63 A third attribute! 64 Old faithful again 65 The same third attribute. 66 Black -- and end of out monochrome attributes 67 End of monochrome attribute data 68 BLANK 69 Declare a generic pointer to one of the attribute tables 70 BLANK 71 Declare globals to cache the cursor position...avoids interrupts 72 Declare a global array for a screen row of data 73 BLANK 74 Declares an array of characters used for drawing double border boxes 75 A set of ASCII characters from code page 437 76 End of character array 77 BLANK 78 Declares an array of characters used for drawing single border boxes 79 A set of ASCII characters from code page 437 80 End of character array 81 BLANK 82 Declares an array of characters used for drawing thick border boxes 83 A set of ASCII characters from code page 437 84 End of character array 85 BLANK 86 Declares an array of characters used for blank border? 87 A set of ASCII characters from code page 437 88 End of character array 89 BLANK 90 COMMENT 91 COMMENT 92 COMMENT CLEAR THE SCREEN 93 Defines clear with no argument 94 BLOCK START - clear, clears the screen 95 If we're currently processing the saved screen state buffer... 96 Copy the saved screen data to the buffer 97 Otherwise this is a basic clear screen 98 Set entire screen memory page to 0 99 BLOCK END - 100 BLANK 101 BLANK 102 COMMENT 103 COMMENT 104 COMMENT ENABLE/DISABLE BLINKING CURSOR 105 Define cursor with one argument 106 Argument 1 is the flag for the desired state (on or off) 107 BLOCK START - cursor, turns cursor on and off 108 Declare a variable for the old cursor state 109 Declare an unused variable (dead code) 110 BLANK 111 BLANK 112 If we're attempting to turn on a cursor that's already on... 113 Just return, don't bother wasting interrupt time 114 Set the old state to the current state 115 Update the current state to the requested state 116 BLANK 117 Set the AH = 0x01 (changing cursor state) 118 If we're turning on the cursor... 119 BLOCK START - Turn on cursor 120 In color mode, set cursor to CX=0x0607 (blinking at ~half size) 121 Invoke the actual interrupt - BIOS 0x10 122 Move the cursor to the most recent position 123 BLOCK END - Turn on cursor 124 Otherwise we're turning off the cursor 125 BLOCK START - Turn off cursor 126 Set CX = 0xf00 (invisible on EGA/VGA) 127 Invoke BIOS interrupt 0x10 with new AX/CX values 128 BLOCK END - Turn off cursor 129 Return the previous state of the cursor (easy to save and restore state) 130 BLOCK END - cursor 131 BLANK 132 BLANK 133 COMMENT 134 COMMENT 135 COMMENT GET CURSOR POSITION FROM CACHE 136 Define getrc with two arguments 137 Arguments are pointers to the the cached row and column values 138 BLOCK START - getrc, updates the cursor position pointers to the cache 139 Set the row pointer to our global cursor row cache variable 140 Set the column pointer to our global cursor column cache variable 141 BLOCK END - getrc 142 BLANK GET CURSOR POSITION FROM BIOS 143 Defines real_rc with three arguments 144 Argument 1 is memory page number, 2 and 3 are pointers to position vars 145 BLOCK START - real_rc 146 COMMENT 147 COMMENT 148 COMMENT 149 Prepare to read cursor position (AH = 0x03) 150 Put the memory page number in to BH by byte shifting in to BX 151 BLANK 152 Invoke the BIOS interrupt (0x10) - Position in DX, size in CX (ignored) 153 BLANK 154 Point the row to the value in DH (have to right shift a byte) 155 Point the column to the value in DL (mask only the lower byte) 156 BLOCK END - real_rc 157 BLANK 158 COMMENT 159 COMMENT 160 COMMENT CLEAR A SCREEN ROW 161 Declare clrtoeol with no arguments 162 BLOCK START - clrtoeol, clear a row on the screen 163 Declare row and column variables 164 BLANK 165 If we're not even looking at the current screen... 166 Don't bother 167 Otherwise, get the current cursor position 168 Clear the whole row 169 BLOCK END - cleartoeol 170 BLANK MOVE CURSOR TO POSITION AND PRINT A STRING 171 Declare mvaddstr with three arguments 172 Arguments 1 and 2 are row and column positions 173 Argument 3 is a pointer to the string 174 BLOCK START - mvaddstr, prints a string starting at a position 175 Move the cursor to the position 176 Print the string 177 BLOCK END - mvaddstr 178 BLANK MOVE CURSOR TO POSITION AND PRINT A CHARACTER 179 Defines mvaddch with three arguments 180 Arguments 1 and 2 are row and column positions 181 Argument 3 is the character to print 182 BLOCK START - mvaddch, prints a character at a position 183 Move cursor to position 184 Print the character 185 BLOCK END - mvaddch 186 BLANK MOVE CURSOR TO POSITION AND READ THE CURRENT CHARACTER 187 Defines mvinch with 2 arguments 188 Arguments 1 and 2 are the cursor position to read 189 BLOCK START - mvinch, Returns a character at a position 190 Move cursor to position 191 Return the first byte at that position (ASCII code) 192 BLOCK END - mvinch 193 BLANK 194 COMMENT 195 COMMENT 196 COMMENT 197 COMMENT 198 BLANK PRINT A CHARACTER TO CURRENT POSITION (GAME-BASED, NOT GENERAL PURPOSE) 199 Declares addch with one argument 200 Argument 1 is the character to print 201 BLOCK START - addch, prints a character to the current position 202 Declare row and column position integers 203 Declare upated row and column integers 204 Declare a character to hold the old attribute 205 BLANK 206 Set the old attribute to the current global attribute setting 207 BLANK 208 If we're using a color screen... 209 BLOCK START - color printing, we have to update attr with pretty stuff 210 COMMENT 211 If we're printing the regular base color used in rooms... 212 SWITCH on the room object to print 213 BLOCK START - Switch on character to update color 214 CASE character is a door 215 CASE character is a vertical wall 216 CASE character is a horizontal wall 217 CASE character is an upper-left corner 218 CASE character is an upper-right corner 219 CASE character is a lower-left corner 220 CASE character is a lower-right corner 221 Change the current color to brown 222 Break out of color changes 223 CASE character is the floor 224 Change the current color to light green 225 Break out of color changes 226 CASE character is the stairs 227 Change the current color to black text, green background 228 Break out of color changes 229 CASE character is a visible trap 230 Change the current color to magenta 231 Break out of color changes 232 CASE character is gold 233 CASE character is the player avatar 234 Change the current color to yellow 235 Break out of color changes 236 CASE character is a potion 237 CASE character is a scroll 238 CASE character is a wand/staff 239 CASE character is armor 240 CASE character is an amulet 241 CASE character is a ring 242 CASE character is a weapon 243 Change the current color to light blue 244 Break out of color changes 245 CASE character is food 246 Change the current color to red 247 Break out of color changes 248 BLOCK START - Switch on character to update color 249 COMMENT 250 Otherwise, check if the color is the default passage color 251 SWITCH on the passage object to rpint 252 BLOCK START - Switch on character to update color 253 CASE character is food 254 Change the current color to red background, black text 255 Break out of color changes 256 CASE character is gold 257 CASE character is the player 258 Change the current color to yellow text, white background 259 Break out of color changes 260 CASE character is a potion 261 CASE character is a scroll 262 CASE character is a wand/staff 263 CASE character is armor 264 CASE character is an amulet 265 CASE character is a ring 266 CASE character is a weapon 267 Change the current color to blue background, black text 268 Break out of color changes 269 BLOCK END - Switch on character to update color 270 For all other color cases... 271 Stairs are black text on green background 272 End check for color screens, the rest is color and mono handling 273 BLANK 274 Get the current row and column 275 If the current character is a newline... 276 And if we're at the end of a page... 277 Scroll the screen up one line 278 Move the cursor to the last screen line 279 Otherwise, we're in the middle of the screen somewhere so... 280 Move the cursor down one line 281 Set the cursor attribute to the old attribute 282 Return the current column 283 End check for newline character 284 Print the character that is properly position with the correct color 285 Move the cursor to the right 286 Save the color attribute we just used 287 COMMENT 288 COMMENT 289 COMMENT 290 Return current row 291 BLOCK END - addch 292 BLANK PRINT A STRING TO THE SCREEN 293 Defines addstr with one argument 294 Argument 1 is a pointer to the string 295 BLOCK START - addstr, prints a string to the screen 296 While there is a valid character... 297 Print character to the screen and increment pointer to next character 298 BLOCK END - addstr 299 BLANK CHANGE COLOR 300 Define set_attr with one argument 301 Argument 1 is the input attribute index or a raw attribute 302 BLOCK START - set_attr 303 If the input attribute is a valid index... 304 Set the current attribute from the table 305 Otherwise... 306 Assume that the input is the attribute, not an index 307 BLOCK END - set_attr 308 BLANK GENERATE ERROR (NOT USED) 309 Defines error with seven arguments 310 Argument 1 is the error row on the screen 311 Argument 2 is the error message 312 Arguments 3 to 7 are the message arguments 313 BLOCK START - error, prints an error (not used) 314 Declares local row and columns 315 BLANK 316 Get the current row and column 317 Move the cursor to the beginning of the error line 318 Clear the line 319 Print the error message 320 Return the cursor to the current position 321 BLOCK END - error 322 BLANK 323 COMMENT 324 COMMENT 325 COMMENT 326 COMMENT 327 BLANK SET CURSOR (DEAD CODE) 328 Defines set_cursor with no arguments 329 BLOCK START - set_cursor, dead code 330 COMMENT 331 COMMENT 332 COMMENT 333 COMMENT 334 COMMENT 335 BLOCK END - set_cursor 336 BLANK 337 COMMENT 338 COMMENT 339 COMMENT 340 COMMENT 341 COMMENT 342 COMMENT INITIALIZE GAME WINDOW 343 Defines winit with one argument 344 Argument 1 is unused, but was probably the default drive letter 345 BLOCK START - winit, initializes the game window 346 Declare an iterator and a counter 347 Import the current datasegment 348 BLANK 349 COMMENT 350 COMMENT 351 COMMENT 352 Set AH to 0xF to get the current video mode and active memory page 353 Invoke the interrupt 354 Save the memory page number from the result in BX 355 Get the screen type 356 COMMENT 357 COMMENT 358 COMMENT 359 COMMENT 360 COMMENT 361 Set the number of rows on the screen to 25 362 Set the number of columns on the screen to 80 363 Set the video memory base to 0xB800 364 Set the current color mode to monochrome 365 BLANK 366 BLOCK START - SWITCH on the screen type 367 COMMENT 368 COMMENT 369 COMMENT 370 CASE type 1 (color, 40x25 text) 371 Set attribute table to color 372 CASE type 0 (monochrome, 40x25 text) 373 Set columns to 40 374 Break from check for video type 375 BLANK 376 COMMENT 377 COMMENT 378 COMMENT 379 CASE type 3 (color, 80x25 text) 380 Set the attribute table to color 381 CASE type 2 (monochrome, 80x25 text) 382 Break - this is the default init from above 383 CASE type 7 (monochrome, 80x25) 384 This is a true Monochrome (tm) device - memory base is at 0xB000 385 Disable retrace check 386 Break from check for video type 387 COMMENT 388 COMMENT 389 COMMENT 390 COMMENT 391 COMMENT 392 COMMENT 393 COMMENT 394 COMMENT 395 COMMENT 396 CASE any other screen mode.. 397 Move the cursor to the bottom left 398 Print an error message and fail out of program 399 End select for video mode 400 COMMENT 401 COMMENT 402 COMMENT 403 Get the current cursor position 404 Initialize backup video buffer with 4kb but if it fails... 405 The window segment is invalid 406 Point the backup buffer to the known good flags segment 407 But if we're using a monochrome monitor... 408 Fail out due to lack of memory 409 Otherwise, memory allocation was successful so.. 410 Nibble align the value...why? 411 Grab buffer segment base address by offsetting 12 bits in to the dataseg 412 End memory allocation for window save buffer 413 Loop through each row 414 Count the byte offset for each row and save 415 Allocate (and leak..?) 2 bytes. Possibly for alignment guarantee 416 Change to the 4th memory page 417 If we weren't already on the 4th page... 418 Clear the screen (memory) 419 Move the cursor to the current position 420 If this is a PC Jr.. 421 Disable retrace check 422 BLOCK END - winit 423 BLANK FORCE COLOR TO BLACK & WHITE 424 425 BLOCK START - forcebw, sets mode to black and white 426 Points the attribute table to the monochrome table 427 BLOCK END - forcebw 428 BLANK 429 COMMENT 430 COMMENT 431 COMMENT 432 COMMENT 433 COMMENT SAVE THE CURRENT SCREEN STATE 434 Define wdump with no arguments 435 BLOCK START - wdump, outputs the screen state to backup buffer 436 If memory allocation failed, push level flags out to the screen 437 In any case, read the screen buffer and save it to savewin 438 Screen is now saved 439 BLOCK END - wdump 440 BLANK SAVE THE CURRENT SCREEN FLAGS 441 Defines sav_win with no arguments 442 BLOCK START - sav_win, saves the level flags to video memory 443 Check if we're on Plan B of backup buffer 444 Send the current level flags out to video memory base page 445 Return pointer used 446 BLOCK END - sav_win 447 BLANK RESTORE THE LEVEL FLAGS 448 Defines res_win with no arguments 449 BLOCK START - res_win, restores the level flags stored in video memory 450 Checks if backup memory allocation originally failed... 451 If so, we need to bring the flags back via DMA 452 BLOCK END - res_win 453 BLANK 454 COMMENT 455 COMMENT 456 COMMENT 457 COMMENT RESTORE THE SAVED SCREEN STATE 458 Defines wrestor with no arguments 459 BLOCK START - wrestor, loads a save console screen from memory 460 Send stored screen data back to video memory 461 Get flags back stored in page 0 of video memory 462 Screen is no longer saved 463 BLOCK END - wrestor 464 BLANK 465 COMMENT 466 COMMENT 467 COMMENT 468 COMMENT SHUT DOWN THE SCREEN 469 Defines wclose with no arguments 470 BLOCK START - wclose, closes the output window 471 BLANK 472 COMMENT 473 COMMENT 474 COMMENT 475 If we have a valid video mode... 476 Turn the cursor on 477 If we've changed pages for some reason 478 Move back to the desired page 479 BLOCK END - wclose 480 BLANK 481 COMMENT 482 COMMENT 483 COMMENT 484 BLANK DRAW A GENERAL PURPOSE BOX 485 Define box with four arguments, the 4 corner positions of the box 486 BLOCK START - box, draws a box on the screen using input coordinates 487 Draw a styled box with double borders at the given position 488 BLOCK END - box 489 BLANK 490 COMMENT 491 COMMENT 492 COMMENT 493 COMMENT 494 BLANK DRAW A STYLIZED BOX 495 Declares vbox with five arguments 496 Argument 1 is the character set structure to draw the box with 497 Arguments 2-5 are the 4 corners of the box 498 BLOCK START - vbox, draws an ASCII box on the screen 499 Declare an iterator and a state flag 500 Declare two integers for row and column position 501 BLANK 502 Turn off the cursor and save its previous state 503 Get the starting cursor position 504 BLANK 505 COMMENT 506 COMMENT 507 COMMENT 508 Move the cursor to the upper left of the box (+1 to draw corners last) 509 Draw the top box horizonal 510 Move cursor to bottom left +1 511 Draw the bottom box horizonal 512 COMMENT 513 COMMENT 514 COMMENT 515 Loop from the top of the box to the bottom 516 Draw the left verical wall 517 Draw the right vertical wall 518 Repeat loop 519 COMMENT 520 COMMENT 521 COMMENT 522 Draw upper left corner 523 Draw upper right corner 524 Draw lower left corner 525 Draw lower right corner 526 BLANK 527 Move the cursor to the original position 528 Restore the cursor to its previous state 529 BLOCK END - vbox 530 BLANK 531 COMMENT 532 COMMENT 533 COMMENT CENTER TEXT ON THE SCREEN 534 Define center with two arguments 535 Argument 1 is the row to draw the string 536 Argument 2 is the string to draw 537 BLOCK START - center, centers a string on the screen 538 Draw the string starting at colums, minus string length divided by 2 539 BLOCK END - center 540 BLANK 541 BLANK 542 COMMENT 543 COMMENT 544 COMMENT PRINT FORMATTED MESSAGE 545 Define printw with nine arguments 546 Argument 1 is a message to output 547 Arguments 2-9 are formatted argumented 548 BLOCK START - printw, prints an (almost) variadic string to the screen 549 Declare a temporary buffer of 132 bytes 550 Output the formatting string to the global print buffer 551 Print the print buffer 552 BLOCK END - printw 553 BLANK SCROLL ROW UP 554 Declare scroll_up with three arguments 555 Arguments are the start/end pointers on the row and the number of lines 556 BLOCK START - scroll_up, scrolls a screen region up 1 line 557 Set up for BIOS INT 0x10 call by putting AH=0x6, AL = scroll distance 558 Set up BX for the attributes of new blank lines 559 Left bound to CX 560 Right bound to DX 561 Invoke software interrupt 562 Move the cursor to the end of the changed row 563 BLOCK END - scroll_up SCROLL ROW DOWN 564 Declare scroll down with three arguments 565 Arguments are the start/end pointers on the row and the number of lines 566 BLOCK START - scroll_dn, scrolls a screen region down 1 line 567 Set up for BIOS INT 0x10 call by putting AH=0x7, AL = scroll distance 568 Set up BX for the attributes of new blank lines 569 Left row position in CX 570 Right row position in DX 571 Invoke INT 0x10 572 Move the cursor to the start of the changed row 573 BLOCK END - scroll_dn 574 BLANK SCROLL WHOLE SCREEN UP 575 Define scroll with no arguments 576 BLOCK START - scroll, scrolls the screen up one line 577 Scroll the entire screen up 1 line 578 BLOCK END - scroll 579 BLANK 580 BLANK 581 BLANK 582 COMMENT 583 COMMENT 584 COMMENT 585 COMMENT 586 COMMENT CLEAR A REGION OF THE SCREEN 587 Define blot_out with four arguments (the four corners) 588 BLOCK START - blot_out, clear a screen region 589 Set up AX like a scroll up until it's off the screen 590 New rows have attribute 0x07 591 Set up left side of the row change 592 Set up right side 593 Invoke interrupt 0x10 594 Move the cursor to the upper left position of the cleared box 595 BLOCK END - blot_out 596 BLANK REPEATEDLY PRINT A CHARACTER 597 Define repchr with two arguments 598 Argument 1 is the character two print. Arg 2 is the number of repeats 599 BLOCK START - repchr, repeats a character 600 While there is still work to do... 601 Print character 602 Advance cursor column 1 space 603 End print loop 604 BLOCK END - repchr 605 BLANK 606 COMMENT 607 COMMENT 608 COMMENT PATCH SCREEN AFTER CTRL-BREAK 609 Define fixup with no arguments 610 BLOCK START - fixup, clear a screen column 611 Clear the region around the cursor 612 BLOCK END - fixup 613 BLANK 614 COMMENT 615 COMMENT 616 COMMENT 617 BLANK ANIMATED CLEAR SCREEN 618 Define implode with no arguments 619 BLOCK START - implode, clear screen animation 620 Define a lot of helpers, including a column incrementor 621 BLANK 622 Set an invariant to be 21 or 22, depending on screen size 623 COMMENT 624 COMMENT 625 COMMENT 626 If there is nothing on the screen... 627 Don't bother - clear memory 628 Exit function 629 End check for empty screen 630 Set a delay factor for visible drawing. Monochrome is FAST so big delay 631 Loop across various positions through the screen in patchwork fashion 632 Draw single boxes of shrinking sizes 633 Start a delay loop 634 Repeat delay loop 635 Loop across the current row 636 Draw spaces from the left 637 Draw spaces from the right 638 End row loop 639 Draw another box 640 Repeat this mess until the screen has finished drawing 641 BLOCK END - implode 642 BLANK 643 COMMENT 644 COMMENT 645 COMMENT 646 COMMENT SCREEN SCROLL OUT ANIMATION 647 drop_curtain returns address of the old data segment 648 Define drop_curtain with no arguments 649 BLOCK START - drop_curtain, slide out screen updating animation 650 Declare local integers for row/column position, an interator and delay 651 BLANK 652 If we're not looking at an active screen... 653 Then nothing to fade out - return 654 Store the screen segment 655 Save the screen data in to the backup buffer 656 Turn off the cursor 657 Set a delay - high if monocrhome since it's fast 658 Set the foreground color to green 659 Draw a single-border box around the whole screen 660 Set color to yellow 661 Loop through all rows 662 Move the cursor to the start of the row 663 Print the code page 437 character for dotted-box across the row 664 Delay for the desired cycles 665 Repeat delay 666 End drawing across rows 667 Reset the screen data segment to the saved screen 668 Move the cursor to the start 669 Undo character highlighting 670 BLOCK END - drop_curtain 671 BLANK SCREEN SCROLL IN ANIMATION 672 Define raise_curtain with no arguments 673 BLOCK START - raise_curtain, slide in screen updating effect 674 Declare iterators, a position variable, and a delay 675 BLANK 676 If we're looking at the saved screen buffer (nothing on screen) 677 Then there's nothing to do - return 678 Restore the old data segment 679 Set a delay so we can see animations 680 Loop through each row 681 Output the saved window segment back to the screen 682 Delay on each row 683 Repeat delay 684 End loop through each row 685 BLOCK END - raise_curtain 686 BLANK SWAP VIDEO MEMORY PAGES 687 Define switch_page with one argument - the memory page number 688 BLOCK START - switch_page, swaps video memory page 689 Ddeclare an integer for the page size 690 BLANK 691 If the screen is monochrome 692 Start on page 0 693 Return 694 End check for monochrome 695 If the screen is small, only 40 characters wide 696 Then use page sizes of 2kb 697 Otherwise... 698 Page size is 4kb 699 Set AH to 0x05 - setting active page in video memory 700 Invoke the interrupt 701 Set the screen data segment is at base 0xB800 plus the page offset 702 Set the page number global to the input page number 703 BLOCK END - switch_page 704 BLANK GET VIDEO MODE FROM BIOS 705 Defines get_mode with one unused argument 706 BLOCK START - get_mode, returns the video mode using BIOS 707 Bring in register structure 708 BLANK 709 Assign AH to 0x0F 710 Invoke BIOS Interrupt 0x10 to get the current video mode 711 Return video mode to caller 712 BLOCK END - get_mode 713 BLANK GENERIC BIOS CALL Apparently used for video...but you can insert ANY INT 10 call in here...hmm 714 Define video mode with argument 1 as the desired video mode 715 BLOCK START - video_mode, sets the video mode 716 Bring in the register structure 717 BLANK 718 Assign AX to the video mode 719 Invoke BIOS Interrupt 0x10 to change video modes 720 Return the resulting video mode flag 721 BLOCK END - video_mode 722 EOF˙