Decoded: OpenTTD (2003) v1.8 (2018) Source file: bitmath_func.cpp Line-by-line code walkthrough by MaiZure bitmath_func.cpp defines bit searching algorithms Original code: 1 COMMENT (*) 2 BLANK (-) 3 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 - 10 * 11 - 12 Includes the OpenTTD platform-specific header 13 Includes the OpenTTD bitmath function header 14 - 15 Includes the OpenTTD safeguards header 16 - 17 BLOCK START - _ffb_64 lookup table for 6 bit variable to find the first asserted least-significant bit 18 Table entries 0-7 19 Table entries 8-15 20 Table entries 16-23 21 Table entries 24-31 22 Table entries 32-39 23 Table entries 40-47 24 Table entries 48-55 25 Table entries 56-63 26 BLOCK END - _ffb_64 lookup table 27 - 28 * 29 * 30 * 31 * 32 * 33 * 34 * 35 * 36 * 37 * 38 * 39 Defines FindFirstBit with one argument: The input integer to check 40 BLOCK START - FindFirstBit, Finds the position of the first asserted, least-significant bit 41 If the input value is zero, then there is no asserted bit 42 * 43 * 44 - 45 Start at the first position 46 - 47 If the first 16 bits are clear, move to the 17th bit. 48 Check the next 8 bits and move again (0-8 or 17-24) 49 Check the next 4 bits and move again (0-4, 9-12, 17-20, 25-28) 50 Check the next 2 bits and move or stay 51 Check the last bit. Pos should now contain the first asserted bit position 52 - 53 Return the position 54 BLOCK END - FindFirstBit 55 - 56 * 57 * 58 * 59 * 60 * 61 * 62 * 63 * 64 * 65 * 66 * 67 Defines FindLastBit with one argument: A 64-bit input to check 68 BLOCK START - FindLastBit, returns the position of the most significant asserted bit 69 No input means return the first position 70 - 71 Start at the beginning 72 - 73 Check the most significant 32 bits. Shift if needed 74 Check the next 16 bits. Shift if needed 75 Check the next 8 bits. Shift if needed 76 Check the next 4 bits. Shift if needed 77 Check the next 2 bits. Shift if needed 78 Check the last bit. Shift if needed 79 - 80 Return the position 81 BLOCK END - FindLastBit