Decoded: ptx (coreutils)

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[GNU Manual] [No POSIX requirement] [Linux man] [FreeBSD man]

Logical flow of ptx command (coreutils)


ptx - produce permuted indexes

[Source] [Code Walkthrough]

Lines of code: 2154
Principal syscalls: fopen(), fread() (both via read_file())
Support syscall: fstat() (also via read_file())
Options: 35 (17 short, 18 long)

Descended from ptx in Version 2 UNIX (1972)
Added to Textutils in August 1998 [First version]
Number of revisions: 114

The ptx utility realized an early computing goal to automate a labor intensive task: creating permuted indexes from a text source. The original use-case was to build the index for the physical UNIX manuals based on the man pages.

  • compare_occurs() - Compares OCCURS to return which goes first
  • compare_words() - Compares WORD locations
  • compile_regex() - Compiles a regular expression
  • copy_unescaped_string() - Processes a string and evaluates escapes
  • define_all_fields() - Computes position and length of fields in OCCURS
  • digest_break_file() - Processes the file of break characters
  • digest_word_file() - Processes the file of words to ignore
  • find_occurs_in_text() - Creates OCCURS structures for each input WORD
  • fix_output_parameters() - Sets the output parameters according to user specifications from cli
  • generate_all_output() - Prints data lines from the occurs_table[]
  • initialize_regex() - Initializes pattern match tables
  • matching_error() - Fails out of regular expression matching
  • output_one_dumb_line() - Outputs a line as-is with trailing newline char
  • output_one_roff_line() - Outputs a line in [n|t]roff format (leading typesets)
  • output_one_tex_line() - Outputs a line is TeX notation: \typeset {...}
  • print_field() - prints a BLOCK of text
  • print_spaces() - Prints a given number of spaces
  • search_table() - Binary search for a WORD in a WORD_TABLE
  • sort_found_occurs() - Sorts the global occurs_table[]
  • swallow_file_in_memory() - Loads a file in to contiguous memory and collect statistics
External non-standard helpers:
  • re_compile_pattern() - Compiles a regular expression to a pattern buffer


Several global structures, flags, and other variables are needed for collecting and organizing input text. These include:


  • struct BLOCK - An arbitrary space in memory (*start, *end)
  • struct regex_data - An expression and a compiled pattern
  • struct OCCURS - The context of a keyword
  • struct WORD - A single word as a start pointer and size
  • struct WORD_TABLE - An array of words, including a start, total size, and used size

OCCURS structures are managed through a global table pointer, *occurs_table[]

WORD_TABLEs have two global references in the ignore_table and only_table


  • auto_reference - Flag to track file:line output
  • gnu_extensions - Flag to enable extended GNU features
  • ignore_case - Flag to distinguish between upper/lower case during sorting
  • input_reference - Flag to process leading line text for context
  • right_reference - Flag to force reference text to the end of a line

main() initializes a few variables used througout the utility:

  • optchar - The next argument for processing
  • file_index - Index to input_file_name[] for multiple input files


Parsing for ptx has a few more steps than most utility because some execution parameters need to be pulled from other files. Like other utilities, we begin by reading the line options to answer questions:

  • What are the input sources?
  • What is the desired output format?
  • Are there external parameters in other files (ignore/only lists, etc)
  • Any special character set considerations, such as case handling?

Parsing failures

These failure cases are explicitly checked:

  • Invalid gap widths or line widths
  • Extra arguments
  • Unable to open any parameter files
  • Using unknown options


ptx executes in three stages: analyzing data, sorting data, and outputting data.

Analyzing Data

The goal populate the global occurrence table after reading all input data. Along the way, we apply the inclusion/exclusion filters and regex patterns to focus on relevant data. For each file:

  • Read the file in to memory ( swallow_file_in_memory() )
  • Check each line against the gives regular expressions
  • Check each word and its context
  • Verify that the word isn't ignored or is explicitly required
  • Build an occurence entry in the global table

Sort Data

qsort() the occurrence table using the provided compare_occurs() comparator. The basis is the lexographic ordering of keywords for each occurrence.

Output Data

The output phase is dictated by the three supported formats: 'dumb' terminal, TeX, and troff. Before the output is processed, several parameters are defined for all formats:

  • file_index - The input file index
  • line_ordinal - The line count remaining for the file
  • reference_width - Holds the length of the reference string
  • character - A character value
  • *cursor - Pointer within a string

Many of the globals already mentioned are computed at this stage in preparation for output generation.

Generating output means iterating over the sorted occurs_table[]. For each entry:

  • Compute the position and length of each field: Reference, tail, before, keyafter, head.
  • Output the appropriate formats
    • Dumb terminal - A single line with all fields in order
    • TeX - line begins with '\\' and fields enclosed in curly braces
    • troff - line begins with '.' and fields are quoted

Execution failure cases concern regular expressions:

  • A regular expression match or compile fails
  • A zero-length regular expression match

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